I just found an interesting story about Jana Petrovich-Njegosh,sister of Prince Danilo I and aunt of King Nicholas...
At one point Prince Danilo I wanted to celebrate one of the victories with his soldiers...In order to impress them he ordered 30 girls(from an area in which his brother in law,Risto Boskovic,husband of Jana,was Duke and Bishop)to dance with his soldiers...In the morning there have been some rumors spread about those soldiers and the girls...Jana immediately went to her husband and asked him to intervene to Prince Danilo and ask for an apology and punish the ones that have spread that kind of rumors...Prince Danilo denied this and thought that it was a joke.His brother in law replied to this:
"If you think so,my Lord,than my family has no place in your country until we defend our dignity with blood."
At that moment his brother in law formed a group of soldiers who would seek justice.Prince Danilo I managed to escape,but later came back with several thousand soldiers and in the name of state confiscated all their properties...As her husband took refuge,he ordered Jana,his sister,to give up her husband and marry another Bishop.
To that order she replied with dignity:
"I will never give up my husband as he did what every honest Montenegrian would do,defend honor...I am very proud of him and will never give him up,as he is no traitor,but those who serve you and whom you protect...I say this in front of God and nothing will make me change my mind."
Prince Danilo replied:"You will do what I say,or I will kill your two sons!"
Than Jana replied:"Hit,kill,burn and cut,but I WILL NEVER GIVE UP my husband dead or alive.If you want to kill them,kill me too."
Prince was furious and ordered her two sons to be poisoned.Day later they died in the horrible agony,while her life was spared...
Here is a portrait of Jana Petorvich-Njegosh:
What is most interesting is that her husband Risto,returned home after assassination of Prince Danilo I and that Jana gave birth to another son at the age of 55 which was at time considered a miracle!
This is one of the stories that just show what kind of pride some women of Montenegro had at that time and that they were not afraid of death,even allowed their children and loved ones to be killed just for the sense of pride and honor,just like in Sparta...