Author Topic: King Zog of Albania (and family) & Queen Geraldine  (Read 61048 times)

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King Zog of Albania (and family) & Queen Geraldine
« on: February 21, 2005, 06:34:24 PM »
And what about ''ugly Zogglet's''  ::) -how most European monarch called his sisters who pretended to be Holywood stars and who didn't want to talk to Emperor Karl of Austria(although he said first hello to them) after his fall,because they were still reigning!I have also read somewhere that they died in short period from similar desease!

Offline Marc

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Re: King Zog of Albania (and family) & Queen Geraldine
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2005, 06:45:39 PM »
Yes,this is true about Queen Geraldine,but still she was related to almost every European royal and noble family-she descended from Prince Johan Georg von Anhalt-Dessau!Here is the line-Prince Johan Georg von Anhalt-Dessau--Prince Leopold I von Anhalt-Dessau--Prince Leopold II von Anhalt-Dessau--Princess Agnes von Anhalt-Dessau--Baroness Agnes von Loe--Count Hermann von Seher-Thoss--Countess Margarethe von Seher-Thoss--Count Giula Apponyi von Nagy-Appony--Countess Geraldine Apponyi von Nagy Appony who married King Zog!

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Re: King Zog of Albania (and family) & Queen Geraldine
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2005, 12:44:57 PM »
Very interesting...Didn't know that!


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Re: King Zog of Albania (and family) & Queen Geraldine
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2005, 03:15:44 PM »
Queen Susan, Leka's wife died last year I think.  Both queens are buried in Tirana, but Zog is still in Paris- I think. Apparently no money to dis-inter, transport and rebury him in Albania. Zogs surviving sisters died fairly close after him. Seems they had a "big brother" hang up, no life without him. A pretty sorry family.


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Re: King Zog of Albania (and family) & Queen Geraldine
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2005, 04:55:03 PM »
King Zog of Albania has a very funny story:
- declared himself King Zog I in 1928;

- for his coronation, he ordered an outfit that included rose-colored breeches, gold spurs, and a gold crown weighing seven and five-eighths pounds;

- he instituted a Zogist salute (flat hand over the heart with palm facing forwards);

- Zog's preoccupation once he was on the throne was how to stay alive. In 1931, he barely escaped assasination at the hands of two gunmen as he was leaving a performance of "Pagliacci" at the Vienna Opera House. The king drew a gun from inside his tail-coat and returned fire. Zog emptied five chambers of his revolver and then asked an aide to hand him his pistol, unaware that the aide was already dead. Fearing attack from the other side of the car, he squeezed past the body and ran back into the Opera House, shouting in German, as the police appeared and seized everybody;

- his mother kept watch over the royal kitchen to make sure his food was not being poisoned;

- a virtual recluse in his capital city, Tirana, which in any case had neither night clubs nor theatres, Zog did little except play poker and smoke as many as a hundred and fifty perfumed cigarettes a day;

- each of his four sisters was a division commander in the Albanian army;
- his four sisters, none of them married, helped in the search for a queen to marry Zog. They eventually found a penniless half-American, half-Hungarian countess, Geraldine Apponyi, who had been selling postcards in the Budapest National Museum for 45 dollars a month. Her photograph captured Zog's heart, and they were married in 1938. He was a Muslim and she was a Roman Catholic;

- Zog, it was announced, intended to turn Knollwood into his kingdom in exile. In its grounds would live Albanian subjects, working the land as his tenants;

- North Shore society, delighted at the prospect of royalty in its back yard, was soon flocking to Knollwood. At its gates, visitors were greeted by a bearded member of the Royal Guard: he would kiss their hands and turn them away;

- Zog spent his last days in a nearly empty villa on the French Riviera, with Queen Geraldine doing the housework. He died in 1961;

Is this REAL ;D It sounds so like a fairy story...& the 'ugly zogglets'!!!

Grand Duke, being GD of that as in Stratford-Upon-....are you really Shakespeare?


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Re: King Zog of Albania (and family) & Queen Geraldine
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2005, 06:02:49 PM »
How very very bizarre!!

(You could have PRETENDED to be Shakespeare - I'd have believed you...well after reading about King Zog, I'd believe anything!)


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Re: King Zog of Albania (and family) & Queen Geraldine
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2005, 06:18:30 PM »
The Zog adventure is all true. And his sisters were not all that ugly but a really bizarre family.
A very good bio of the clan is KING ZOG Self-Made Monarch of Albania/ Jason Tomes, 2003
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Robert_Hall »


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Re: King Zog of Albania (and family) & Queen Geraldine
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2005, 05:20:16 PM »

Zog is even more bizarre than I'm!

Grand Duke, I'm sure you are completely bizarre! How fascinating! We are gradually gaining an insight into your family...your tea-sipping father, your 'black sheep' of a brother(who cannot be any more bizarre than you are!) What a very interesting character you are!!


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Re: King Zog of Albania (and family) & Queen Geraldine
« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2005, 12:49:30 AM »
And what about ''ugly Zogglet's''  ::)

Now Marc, you are most unkind.  ;)

Here is a pic of Dah Zogglets. Not raving beauties, but my dog didn't puddle when I showed him the photo.

...althought shortly afterward, I did catch the little beast chuckling to himself over a Milk Bone. ::)

Offline James_Davidov

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Re: King Zog of Albania (and family) & Queen Geraldine
« Reply #9 on: March 16, 2005, 01:26:45 AM »
There not so ugly... Their story is really amazing, I remember seeing a book about Zog, but when i read that their rule began in the 20s i just put it down, lol...

I believe the last Queen of the 'house of Zog' was an Australian woman..

Also, I was if the persecuted Muslim's in eastern Europe hold the family in any high regard...

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Re: King Zog of Albania (and family) & Queen Geraldine
« Reply #10 on: March 16, 2005, 06:22:41 AM »
Well, at least they tried to do their best!  ;)

Here's a pic of Prss Senijé, which has worked out quite well for her....



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Re: King Zog of Albania (and family) & Queen Geraldine
« Reply #11 on: March 16, 2005, 07:51:04 AM »
They do sort of look like a Balkan Andrews Sisters, don' t they ?

Offline Marc

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Re: King Zog of Albania (and family) & Queen Geraldine
« Reply #12 on: March 16, 2005, 08:13:34 AM »
I think Princess Senije looks here very nice!Just don't know why they called them ugly?


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Re: King Zog of Albania (and family) & Queen Geraldine
« Reply #13 on: March 16, 2005, 08:15:38 AM »
I think the ugly bit came from their petty personalities, not their looks so much.

Offline felix

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Re: King Zog of Albania (and family) & Queen Geraldine
« Reply #14 on: March 16, 2005, 08:35:23 AM »
They look pretty good to me, I dont find them ugly at all. I think there are pictures of them in "Eclipse Of Kings"