I found this on the Tsarkoe Selo website
http://eng.tzar.ru/alexander_park/alex_landscape/childrenThere are a couple of good pics there also
The Children's House is located on an island in the middle of the pond in the Alexander Palace's own park, and called the Children's Island. The small pavilion was constructed in the Empire style according to plans by the architect Gornostaev in 1830 for the children of Emperor Nicholas I. The house consists of a drawing room occupying the entire width of the house, and four small rooms belonging to Alexander Nikolaevich and Maria Nikolaevna (to the right of the drawing room), and Alexandra Nikolaevna and Olga Nikolaevna (to the left of the drawing room). The rooms are fitted out rather simply.
Prior to World War II, these rooms contained children's furniture, which in the room of Alexander Nikolaevich was upholstered in leather, and in the other rooms, in cretonne fabric. In front of the house a marble bust of Emperor Alexander II's tutor was erected with the words "To the Unforgettable Karl Karlovich Merder." To the right of the house is located the "Cape of Good Sasha" where a bust of Alexander Nikolaevich's second tutor, the poet Vasily Zhukovsky, was erected. The bronze plaque on the pedestal displays an engraving of Zhukovsky's poem "The Swan of Tzarskoje Selo." The island could be reached by boat through a lock built in 1898 to allow water from the Cross Canal into the pond, or by small ferry.