I took about three or four dozen of the island and the house. Many more close ups of the house detailing, etc.
I apologize, I think I underestimated how many photos I took. Many of this next set of are from a week or so later when I traveled there on my own. I'm sorry, but I am about to bombard this board with photos. When I take photos I take a lot of photos...... In all, when I was done with Russia I went home with over 17,500 photos. Thank God for digital cameras. I think I have a trigger photo finger.

Love those pictures, Laura! I'm jealous you got get on the island itself. When I went it was summer and there was no way to cross the pond unless I wanted to be soaking wet the rest of the day. Hopefully next time I visit I will.
Jealousy is returned! I had so hoped to have visited the palace in the summer. So that is on my "next time" list too! I love your photos though! They are awesome! It's crazy to see how much the weeds/etc grow up during the summer. Hopefully with this new restoration, they will maintain the grounds around the AP a bit better. *fingers crossed... probably in vain*
So jealous Laura! I visited in winter as well, but was too scared to walk across the pond, especially with no one around, save for some kids sledding in the distance. With my luck, the ice would've cracked and I'd have fallen in! Curious, did you peek inside the windows? If so, what did you see?
Thanks Ena! I was a little nervous of the ice as well, but found a well traveled path that gave me a *probably false* sense of security to pass
In regards to the windows, EmmyLee and BlessOTMA are right, they are boarded up. Believe me, I would have busted my butt to get interior shots if I could have.
So I found the CD with all the images and it also had a bit of video!
Let me first link to an embarrassing tour video I made of Children's Island back in 2009. Please accept my apology for the heavy breathing and cheesy commentary. In my defense, walking around all day does a number to someone of my girth

Additionally, you will all get to witness me as I was just learning Russian, and attempting to pronounce words! Hahaha! Scary Thought! In all honesty though, I figured if everyone saw the video they would have a better perspective of the island and its surroundings. That way the photos might make more sense. So without further ado:
Click Image for Video:
Stay tuned for pictures!