In 1894 they spend Easter together, In June 1894 on return to Ilinskoe after being away Grand Duke finds both GDss Elizabeth and Count Belevsky ill with a cold, sore throat and fever.
However, soon Dzunkovsky writes: "On 17th of August in Moscow was the wedding of Count Belevsky to Princess Troubetzkaya, and I was very sorry that I could not be there.
Dzunkovsky says the wedding happened in Moscow, but I have also read that it took place in Ilinskoe. Don't know which is right.
It is know that GD Sergei bought a house in Moscow for the newlyweds.
GD Sergei often writes about meeting Marusia and Alexei in his diary, e.g. 28 Oct 1894 (the first day after returning home to Moscow after the death of Alexander III) "Saw Marusia and Alexei - they are glowing. Supper with Uncle Misha and Belevskys."; the next day they dined together again, after which the Grand Ducal pair left for the funeral of Alexander III and wedding of Nicky and Alix. After their return on 13th Dec, they spent the first evening with the Belevskys "Alexei and Marusia dined with us and stayed the evening."
On 14th december he writes to GD Paul: "It was a great pleasure to see dear Belevskys - they seem flourishing - she seems younger and more beautiful."
On 15th GD Sergei writes in his diary "at 5 with wife to Belevskys -Zhukovsky was there - it is wonderful at theirs, cosy and nice - drank tea and looked at everything. Humorous monkey."
The next day also writes to GD Paul:"Yesterday we drank tea at the Belevskys - it is cosy and beautiful at theirs. They've got themselves a monkey and amuse themselves like children." At that time nearly every day either the Grand Ducal pair visited the Belevskys or the Belevskys visited the GD. (e.g. 20 Dec "Belevskys dined and spent the evening - they are glowing"; 22 Dec "went for supper to Belevskys - all ours were there - nice and lovely - played with the monkey - drank tea") etc.
So it is quite clear that the Belevskys were very close and dear to GD Sergei and GDss Elizabeth.
I add here another picture of Count Belevsky that I do not think has been posted here yet:

GD Konstantin Konstantinovich also wrote in his diary about what happened after GD Alexei Alexandrovich's death:
7th Jan 1909: "They found out from Fredericks that Alexei did not leave a will, but Shilling, who works for him, has got a draft of a letter that Alexei had written to his son, Count Belevsky, that he will get everything he has after his death. However, the lawful heirs Vladimir and Paul do not want to aknowledge this letter and want to get their share. Since the will was not written, the capital goes to the brothers and the children of the brothers who have died, namely, Vladimir, Paul, The Emperor and Misha. The Emperor, as usual, declines his share. I think the brothers could do better by declining their rights, since they know the will of the deceased."
In a way it is very sad... especially, in my mind, it is strange from GD Paul's side, since GD Sergei also only ever left a letter (by which most of his belongings went to Paul's children)... and in that case there being no official will was not a problem.
Sorry for the translations from Russian, they are mine... All materials taken from
Великий Князь Сергей Александрович Романов. Биографические материалы and
Романов Константин. Дневник великого князя 1907-1909 гг