I know there is an existing thread on this subject - when I tried to find it I got an error saying the thread wasn't available to me...
So anyway, here you go...
I have a book on this visit somewhere also.
http://www.mccookgazette.com/story/1300873.htmlThe Grand Duke Alexis
Walt Sehnert
Monday, December 31, 2007
In November 1871, the Grand Duke Alexis, 4th son of the Czar of Russia came to the United States on a state visit. Ulysses S. Grant was President and he was determined that the Duke, the first of the Czar's family to visit the United States, should have a good experience, so that when he returned to Russia he would carry a good impression of the United States.
Alexis was just 21 years of age and apparently had had his fill of fancy dress balls. At a White House dinner in his honor he confided to his host, Civil War hero, Gen. Phil Sheridan that he was looking forward to some "real adventure" in the American West. Sheridan assured him that he could surely witness untamed Indians and shoot a buffalo from the vast herds, which thundered freely across wide-open spaces in the country beyond the Mississippi, and that he could have the protection of the War Department while doing so.
The Duke made his obligatory Eastern stops during the next two months, while Sheridan made preparations for the Duke's hunt in Nebraska in mid-January. He chose the colorful General Custer (age 32) to be the Grand Marshall of the hunt and William F. Cody (25) to be the hunt's guide. Custer had attracted much favorable attention during the Civil War, and four years later would attract lasting attention with his famous "Last Stand."
Cody had distinguished himself as a great buffalo hunter, and was already well known as "Buffalo Bill." Sheridan's instructions were to "Put on a real show for the Grand Duke!," which probably launched Cody's real calling -- the Wild West Show.
Cody located "friendly Indians" -- Chief Spotted Tail's Brule Sioux, camped along the Frenchman River in Southwest Nebraska. After spending the night in Spotted Tail's lodge (offering flour, sugar, and coffee and 1000 pounds of tobacco) he arranged for 100 (or more) braves to leave their winter quarters and perform for the Duke at a Camp, north of the present Hayes Center on the Red Willow Creek.
The Duke and his entourage arrived at Fort McPherson on Jan. 13, accompanied by Gen. Custer, resplendent in a new buckskin outfit. They were greeted by an enthusiastic throng, headed by Buffalo Bill. After speeches and much pageantry the Duke's party set out for the hunting grounds. It was quite a group -- Department of the Platte Generals, two companies of infantry in wagons, two companies of cavalry, the cavalry's regimental band, outriders, night herders, couriers, cooks, trailing groups of Indians and sutlers -- and three wagons of "champagne and royal spirits."
At the camp (Camp Duke Alexis) the Duke and his entourage were treated very well. They were provided with floored wall tents -- the floor in the Duke's tent was covered with an expensive Oriental rug. The tents were heated with Sibley stoves. Chief Spotted Tail's braves put on breathtaking displays of riding and fighting exhibitions with bows and arrows. In the evening, they danced around a huge camp fire, honoring their own and the Duke. The dances were punctuated with blood-curdling cries that "caused shivers down the spine of the observers."
The next day was Duke Alexis' birthday and spirits were high in camp, and grew mightily when, after a hearty breakfast, scouts rode in with the word that a herd of buffalo had been spotted. As the hunting party neared the buffalo herd Cody gave word that the Duke should have first shot. Aboard Cody's favorite horse, Buckskin Joe, the Duke rode to within 20 feet of the herd, then shot wildly, emptying six pistol shots -- into the air. The buffalo looked vacantly at the Duke and began to walk slowly away.
Cody rode up to the Duke and gave him his famed .48-caliber rifle, "Lucretia," the one with which he had killed 4,200 buffalo. This time, from a distance of only 10 feet, Duke Alexis fired and successfully killed his first buffalo.
This was cause for a real celebration. Alexis severed the buffalo tail and proudly waved it for all to see as he rode back to the camp. The Russians immediately began to pop the corks on the champagne bottles to celebrate. Spotted Tail offered his pipe to the Duke in congratulations -- to which the Duke declined, saying he preferred cigarettes. Before they arrived at the camp Alexis accidentally killed a buffalo cow, and again the Russians began to pop more champagne bottles. Later Cody remarked, "I was in hopes that he would kill five or six more before we reached camp, especially if a basket of champagne was to be opened every time he dropped one."