Thank-you everyone. Would anyone be able to tell me the correct way to introduce the Grand Duke Alexis? And yes, people in America were fascinated by him. He was this country's first celebrity. In Milwaukee, which had a large number of Russian immigrants, the throngs of women had to be moved out of the way so he could pass through, by point of bayonet by the Wisconsin Volunteers. At a ball in Chicago one reporter wished to interview the Grand Duke, but said he could not even get within shouting distance because of the crowd of women surrounding him. Us Americans will always love royalty, I suppose. When Princess Diana was killed we as a country may have not shown the sympathy our good friends the Brits expected of us. That was because we were too busy dealing with our own shock, grief, and disbelief. She was our little princess too and we loved her. We are still obsessed with her. This was how Americans felt about the Grand Duke Alexis. Every major newspaper reported on his whereabouts in this country almost every day. The General.
It would not be good form for anyone to be introduced to the Grand Duke. Rather, people would have been introduced to him or presented to him. For example, if introducing General Custer to the Grand Duke, one would say to the Grand Duke:
"If it pleases Your Imperial Highness, may I present to you General George Armstrong Custer". He would always be addressed as "Your Imperial Highess" and would be referred to as "His Imperial Highness".
If I understand the reports correctly a large percentage of Americans saw the Grand Duke during his tour.