yes i do sabre i could never do épée way to hard LOL.
anya i mean the real alexei,
Here's a mental picture for you...a 6' fencer who SHOULD be a sabruer, but for God only knows what reason, has been put in épée, and is REALLY horrid at it. He bull-charged people and once, his partner, a former friend of mine, simply deflected his blow, which knocked the bloke off-balance, and he started rolling. That kind of person should be wielding a sabre, NOT an épée. On the other hand, one of the best female sabruers I know is MAYBE 5'1", 100 lbs soaking-wet, and looks like you could snap her like a twig. That's until someone calls, 'Allez!' and she kicks you @$$...

Disclaimer: This is NOT meant to insult sabruers. Enough of that happens at team meets and competitions.

This is just to demonstrate that there's a decided difference in styles between the three weapons, and who should NOT be wielding what.