hi marc....
i have no portraits, but have some info: Maria Louise was the eldest daugther of Robert of Parma's (1848-1907) first marriage with Princess Maria Pia Bourbon des deux Sicilies (!849-1882). After Ferdinand of Bulgaria became Prince of Bulgaria in 1887, he was wandering around Europe in search for a wife, but to be honest was quite hard for him, once word was spread (even with some help of Queen Victoria, his cousin) that Ferdinand "foxy" was "effeminate" and too much delicate. When he finally "negotiated" the marriage with D Robert (an exiled king living in Austria) there were a huge problem about religion, being the Parmas catholic and Bulgaria Orthodox. The pope didnt want to give consent for that and it needed several crown heads of Europe to give a "little help" to persuade the pope to give up and finally Maria Louise and Ferdinand got married. I have to say that besides four children in 5 years of marriage, they were not at all the happy couple. She detested her new country and her mother-in-law, Princess Clementine of Bourbon was harsh and very rude with her.
Just after she got pregnant for the last time in early 1899, she decided to leave Bulgaria, but once arriving back to her father's house, she was forced to go back again to her husbands. She died on childbirth of Princess Nadezhda.
King Boris III (1894-1943) - King (1918-1943)
Prince Kiryl (1895-1945)
Princess Euoxia (1898-1985)
Princess Nadezdha (1899-1958)
hope i helped you in some way