On a very light note, their daughter Olga certainly had the Romanov look. That picture of her Mandie posted reminds me of photos of otma alot, particularly Tatiana. This affair was however, rather inappropriate, given that it was sort of flaunted to the poor Empress. It wasn't a casual affair of which Alexander II had many, and could have had many more, it was a true passionate relationship. Certainly in their youth, and slightly beyond Alexander had loved his wife, it was a love match. It is understandable, that given the fact she could not, due to health and the birth of many children, perform her marital dutuies for Alexander, he sought solace elesewhere. But this wasn't just solace, it was a major affair. You can understand how he felt, as his life might be taken from him anyday, but as well, your feelins must go to Marie Alexandrovna, a good woman who had enough suffering.