Author Topic: Emperor Alexander and Princess Ekaterina Dolgoroukaya  (Read 192711 times)

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Re: Emperor Alexander and Princess Ekaterina Dolgoroukaya
« Reply #135 on: December 05, 2008, 09:13:17 AM »
I much read about Chaterina Dolgorukaja and I think she is bitch.She didnt love Alexander but he is tsar and of course he didtn knew what she thinka about him.

Offline LisaDavidson

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Re: Emperor Alexander and Princess Ekaterina Dolgoroukaya
« Reply #136 on: December 05, 2008, 03:28:47 PM »
I much read about Chaterina Dolgorukaja and I think she is bitch.She didnt love Alexander but he is tsar and of course he didtn knew what she thinka about him.

Rusmila: Welcome to our Forum. I can see you are a newcomer.

Because you are new, I am inclined to be lenient with you. Many young people and students read our Forum and so I would like you to change your term describing Princess Dolgorukaya, because it's very offensive. Also, if stating an opinion, you should say so, or if citing a source for the Princess' feelings, you should name it.

I hope you enjoy your time on our Forum!


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Re: Emperor Alexander and Princess Ekaterina Dolgoroukaya
« Reply #137 on: December 05, 2008, 03:48:51 PM »
I much read about Chaterina Dolgorukaja and I think she is bitch.She didnt love Alexander but he is tsar and of course he didtn knew what she thinka about him.

How do you know she did not love him. ?


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Re: Emperor Alexander and Princess Ekaterina Dolgoroukaya
« Reply #138 on: December 06, 2008, 03:45:34 AM »
Because he is old and when hi get marrige her,he have 62 and she have a 33.


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Re: Emperor Alexander and Princess Ekaterina Dolgoroukaya
« Reply #139 on: December 06, 2008, 04:36:06 AM »
Because he is old and when hi get marrige her,he have 62 and she have a 33.

So you don`t know. You are just asuming she did not love him becuse he was 29 years older then her. But if you know you should give us a sourse on it and not claim somting when you can not prove it. Give us a sourse where it says that she did not love him.


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Re: Emperor Alexander and Princess Ekaterina Dolgoroukaya
« Reply #140 on: December 06, 2008, 11:15:10 AM »
Oh you prove this.If you be with Alexander and Ekaterina.If you be I belive you.Ok?I not knew Alexander and Ekaterina and I dont know this.But I think she isnt love Alexander.Ekaterina love Alexandre or no this know just she. :'(


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Re: Emperor Alexander and Princess Ekaterina Dolgoroukaya
« Reply #141 on: December 06, 2008, 12:35:23 PM »
Oh you prove this.If you be with Alexander and Ekaterina.If you be I belive you.Ok?I not knew Alexander and Ekaterina and I dont know this.But I think she isnt love Alexander.Ekaterina love Alexandre or no this know just she. :'(

I am sorry but you don`t make any sense

Offline LisaDavidson

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Re: Emperor Alexander and Princess Ekaterina Dolgoroukaya
« Reply #142 on: December 08, 2008, 05:19:17 PM »
Oh you prove this.If you be with Alexander and Ekaterina.If you be I belive you.Ok?I not knew Alexander and Ekaterina and I dont know this.But I think she isnt love Alexander.Ekaterina love Alexandre or no this know just she. :'(

I am sorry but you don`t make any sense

I agree, and the posts will be removed unless I determine a compelling reason not to do so!


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Re: Emperor Alexander and Princess Ekaterina Dolgoroukaya
« Reply #143 on: March 21, 2009, 03:20:09 PM »
I much read about Chaterina Dolgorukaja and I think she is bitch.She didnt love Alexander but he is tsar and of course he didtn knew what she thinka about him.

Rusmila: Welcome to our Forum. I can see you are a newcomer.

Because you are new, I am inclined to be lenient with you. Many young people and students read our Forum and so I would like you to change your term describing Princess Dolgorukaya, because it's very offensive. Also, if stating an opinion, you should say so, or if citing a source for the Princess' feelings, you should name it.

I hope you enjoy your time on our Forum!

I think you were very wise - if you permit my judgement - dealing with this kind of «provocation». Ekaterina Dolgoroukaya was 12 when she met the Tzar and 16 when he declared his love. We can hardly assume she was the manipulator here, unless you believe in the «Lolita factor». Also to bear in mind, is the fact that the Tzar was, by the day's standards, almost as sacred as God himself. To obey his desires was always an honour. Katja did no different than any other girl would be asked to do (by her own family). In fact, she resisted for quite a long time before she became the Tzar's «official mistress». As to their love letters, they should be kept within the family, like we all like our own letters to be. But if they show anything, it is for sure a blind passion, very physical and turned into something «sacred» for both of them. Who are we to judge? It was a century where Royal divorces did not exist. So how could they have acted any differently, being in love and having sworn their love «before God»?

Offline CountessKate

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Re: Emperor Alexander and Princess Ekaterina Dolgoroukaya
« Reply #144 on: March 24, 2009, 08:37:55 AM »
Well actually, they could both have behaved very differently, given the fact that they were committing adultery and Alexander seduction, which went counter to everything which both must have been brought up to believe was the moral way to behave.  Dragging God into it was simply attempting to palliate the offense and make it all look much nicer by claiming that such an overwhelming passion had some sort of moral basis.  However, I agree the pressures on a young girl must have been immense and at the end of the day, Alexander was simply too powerful and at least in his office as Tsar, charismatic, for someone without a lot more character to resist.  It doesn't make either of them very likeable, but there's no evidence that Catherine was insincere in her love for Alexander.


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Re: Emperor Alexander and Princess Ekaterina Dolgoroukaya
« Reply #145 on: July 08, 2009, 11:37:02 AM »
Who are we to judge? It was a century where Royal divorces did not exist. So how could they have acted any differently, being in love and having sworn their love «before God»?

But you judge, too, me thinks... positively.

In an era when (Royal) divorces did not (or barely) exist adultery is to be taken much more seriously. I think one can hardly imagine the cruel situation of Empress Maria. Her position was one of the most prestigious ones in Europe and descending from one of the most noble Royal Houses in Germany it must have been doubly upsetting for her to bear such treatment.
I cannot understand how a woman of or modern age can go with the Tsar - knowing the pressure women were obliged to bear.
Like her nieces Elisabeth and Alix she was a most noble and forgiving spirit. Respect..........


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Re: Emperor Alexander and Princess Ekaterina Dolgoroukaya
« Reply #146 on: July 20, 2009, 07:10:17 AM »
sorry to change the topic...

but i recently read an alexander ii biography which mentions that in 1881, before he was assassinated, he basically said that he would accept the constitution, crown katja and then retire and leave his son to reign.

does anyone else know about this?

Offline Svetabel

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Re: Emperor Alexander and Princess Ekaterina Dolgoroukaya
« Reply #147 on: July 20, 2009, 07:27:00 AM »
sorry to change the topic...

but i recently read an alexander ii biography which mentions that in 1881, before he was assassinated, he basically said that he would accept the constitution, crown katja and then retire and leave his son to reign.

does anyone else know about this?

That's only a rumour circulated those times and later. The constituon was really almost ready but crowning Ekaterina and retiring to somewhere are speculation. No any  reliable sources for such statement.

Did you read a Radzinsky's book? He is great in such exciting revelations, too much romantic.


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Re: Emperor Alexander and Princess Ekaterina Dolgoroukaya
« Reply #148 on: July 20, 2009, 08:17:22 AM »
Did you read a Radzinsky's book? He is great in such exciting revelations, too much romantic.

I'm agree with you, I read the biography of Alexander II written by Radzinsky, but I don't like it at all since it's full of speculations, it was indeed the first and last book of Edward Radzinsky that I have included in my collection of books.

Unfortunately this is the only biography of Emperor Alexander II that I found here in Italy (I read it in English, since I haven't found and Italian version of it).
« Last Edit: July 20, 2009, 08:19:23 AM by RomanovsFan4Ever »


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Re: Emperor Alexander and Princess Ekaterina Dolgoroukaya
« Reply #149 on: July 22, 2009, 02:00:25 PM »
Actually the book is written by Hélène Carrère d'Encausse. It seems quite well written.