Author Topic: Re: Cousin Toria  (Read 224591 times)

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Re: Cousin Toria
« Reply #405 on: March 19, 2010, 07:28:02 AM »
Frances Dimond who was a regular speaker at Royal Digest Weekends in Ticehurst had retired from her job at thev Royal Photo Archieves in Windsor. One of her first projects is a bio on Queen Alexandra (my favourite too). She had been working on it for a few years now. I just commented because the photo was the kind of private snap shots she liked to use in her talks.


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Re: Cousin Toria
« Reply #406 on: March 19, 2010, 06:06:38 PM »
Kmerov, what a wonderful photo - I absolutely love it.  May I ask where it is from?

It's from the memoirs of Toria's cousin, Prince Erik of Denmark.

Toria with GD Mikhail Alexandrovich

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Re: Re: Cousin Toria
« Reply #407 on: March 19, 2010, 06:37:53 PM »
So it was Toria! i knew it!.

This picture was posted before but people doubted if the lady beside Mikhail was or Toria or Maud. I was right! ^^

Courtesy of Grand Duchess Ally

"...Пусть он землю бережет родную, А любовь Катюша сбережет....". Grand Duchess Ekaterina Fyodorovna to Grand Duke Georgiy Alexandrovich. 1914

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Re: Cousin Toria
« Reply #408 on: March 22, 2010, 09:28:21 AM »
Indeed ! I never doubt it was Toria. It is interesting that Toria nearly became Floppy's sister-in-law. She was close to Nicky for a short time.

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Re: Cousin Toria
« Reply #409 on: March 22, 2010, 09:43:43 AM »
'She was close to Nicky for a short time.'

But they were first cousins, which would rule out a marriage in the Orthodox Church.



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Re: Cousin Toria
« Reply #410 on: March 22, 2010, 09:52:04 AM »
Well...It did not stop Ducky or Cyrill did it ? I am sure if Alix and Minny pushed it through, it might be allowed. However the affair fisseled (on the part of Toria) before it could go anywhere. Had they married (speculation I know), George V will have no excuse not to sent a carrier to rescue his "sister" and brother-in-law to England.


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Re: Cousin Toria
« Reply #411 on: March 22, 2010, 01:14:48 PM »
A carrier? In 1917?

Offline grandduchessella

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Re: Cousin Toria
« Reply #412 on: March 22, 2010, 02:49:17 PM »
Well...It did not stop Ducky or Cyrill did it ? I am sure if Alix and Minny pushed it through, it might be allowed. However the affair fisseled (on the part of Toria) before it could go anywhere. Had they married (speculation I know), George V will have no excuse not to sent a carrier to rescue his "sister" and brother-in-law to England.

It did Michael and Beatrice--a move that his family probably wished they hadn't pushed after his later marriage. MF obviously didn't care to push against the Orthodox Church for a wedding between cousins.

Between Nicholas and Toria it was only summer puppy love that settled into enduring fondness. What would've happened in 1917 would just be speculation because perhaps a carrier wouldn't have been necessary if a British princess, sister to the King, was on the throne.
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Re: Cousin Toria
« Reply #413 on: March 22, 2010, 03:22:24 PM »
Perhaps by 'carrier' Eric means a warship?

Aircraft carrier operations were in their infancy in 1917. Aircraft were talking off from platforms built out over gun turrets, but the first experiments in deck landing did not take place until later in the year (te pilot managed one landing, and was promptly killed when he tried it a second time).


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Re: Cousin Toria
« Reply #414 on: March 22, 2010, 04:31:29 PM »
We just should give kmerov a price for all his wonderfull contributions (mainly) considering the offspring of Christian IX and Louise! Absolutely wonderful! I've enjoyed you're contributions on the various threads very much! Same goes for gdella (and others) offcourse, but I could not think of a suitable price, because you're many contributions are priceless!


First two of my favorite portraits of 'darling Toria'. I especially like the first (close-up) one. She looks gorgeous and I always think people do the daughters of Edward and Alexandra unjustice when they say they weren't that beautiful! The second one, is the portrait that was standing on her cousin Olga Alexandrovna's desk I believe.

But because we are now discussing the relationship between 'Toria' and 'Nicky'. I have found the folowing charming thing Nicholas II wrote to ''darling Toria'' in one of her albums that have been auctioned off
by Christies some time ago:

''A quarto Daybook Album belonging to Princess Victoria, circa 220 pages together, between 1 January 1894 and October 1925, contemporary red morocco by Mac Michael of 42 South Audley Street, London, gilt inner dentelles, g.e., containing numerous poems, prose works, notes, inscriptions and dedications inscribed by herself, members of the British, Danish and Russian Royal families and friends. Including:

Poetic inscription by Tsar Nicholas II, reading: "Look not mournfully into the past;/It comes not back again; Wisely improve the present - it is thine;/Go forth to meet the shadowy future,/Without fear and with a manly heart", signed, inscribed and dated "To darling Toria from her loving cousin Nicky. Petershof 13/25 August 1894". With 3 other entries by Nicholas II.''

It is intresting he wrote this just before he became Emperor of Russia (Tsar) and some time after the engagement with Alexandra of Hesse nee Alexandra Feodorovna. 'Go forth to meet the shadow future' sounds very ghastly it you look at the future of the then young Tsar and his wife. Should he cite towards the little 'romance' between 'Toria' and himself? Lovely words anyway!

But that does not leave out how sad it is, that this historical piece of work has been auctioned off. I always feel a little bit disappointed. The only thing that I can hope for is that the royal archives has bought it back for their collection. Twohundred and twenty pages! Can you imagine the historical value of it!


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Re: Cousin Toria
« Reply #415 on: March 22, 2010, 04:41:36 PM »

Portrait of 'Toria' (1912), all three portriats come from the site of the National Potrait Gallery.

Some of the other discripions that were presented in Toria's albums:

A three-quarter-length sepia albumen profile portrait photograph of Princess Alexandra in dress with bustle signed and dated ("Mother Dear 1890")
15 x 11cm (6 x 4¼in.).

Title page dedicated by Princess Alexandra: "For My Darling Toria from her loving old Mother dear. Sandringham - New Years Day 1894". With small platinum portrait photograph of Queen Alexandra and Princess Victoria as an infant.

Three-page inscription by Queen Alexandra reciting two poems: For the New Year and Bridges concluding: "When you read these lines - always think of your meek tired and sorrowing? but also deeply
grateful - true faithful and loving old Mother-dear!"

One-page spiritual prose enclosure signed and dated ([Prince] "George Sandringham March 29th 1894") ending with a 4-line poem: "A little longer yet - and angel voices/Shall ring in heavenly chant upon thine ear;/Angels and Saints await thee, and God needs thee:/Beloved, can we bid thee linger here!". With small half length frontal portrait photograph of Prince George in naval attire.

One-page prose inclusion signed and dated ([Princess] "May Sandringham March 30th 1894") reading: "Seated one day at the organ...I struck one chord of music, like the sound of a great Amen. It may be that Death's bright Angel, Will speak in that chord again, It may be that only in Heaven, I shall hear that grand Amen". With half length frontal portrait albumen photograph of Princess May, signed and dated: "[Princess] May 1893", 5½ x 3½in. (14 x 9cm.)

With various inscriptions and photographs including her aunt Princess Beatrice; sister Louise, Princess Royal and Danish and Russian family including her uncles George and Waldemar. With other family and friends.

With 2 dinner menus, the first for Christmas Eve dinner 1928 with ten signatures including ("Victoria"); several watercolours, sketches and pressed flowers.

Lot Notes

Princess Victoria lived a spinsterly existence as a constant companion to her devoted but somewhat possessive mother accompanying her on her rounds until Alexandra's death in 1925.


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Re: Cousin Toria
« Reply #416 on: March 22, 2010, 04:45:18 PM »
You angel for sharing all this lovely information!

I can not believe I did not hear or read about this treasure trove album of Toria's!!!! When was it auctioned? It breaks my heart to think someone may have bought it to break up and sell on the photographs individually!

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Re: Cousin Toria
« Reply #417 on: March 22, 2010, 04:47:16 PM »
I have the first 2 photos RN posted but the 3rd is an absolute gem! I have never seen it or any other pose from it and you know how I prowl through magazines. LOL Thanks so much, RN--you're too modest but you should definitely count yourself in that list of people who provide such awesome photos.

There was definitely a period--roughly the time of her father's reign--where Toria was in 'great good looks'. The hairstyle of the day fit her and she had a lovely trim figure, but no so skinny she looked sickly.

Side note--the poem Nicholas inscribed was by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
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Re: Cousin Toria
« Reply #418 on: March 22, 2010, 04:49:46 PM »
I love that last picture RN.   By the way, thank you for your kind words recently over on the Alexandra thread, it is good to be back.  Anyway, lovely information about Toria.  Does anybody know if she kept a journal?


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Re: Cousin Toria
« Reply #419 on: March 22, 2010, 07:18:54 PM »
I do wonder who bought the letters ?