Regarding Max of Baden wanting to marry Toria in 1896. He came to see Empress Maria Feodorovna who wrote to Alix,
" Max of Baden asked to see me alone as he had something about which he wanted to talk to me, and imagine what it was. He asked if I believed he could have any hope of marrying your charming Toria. Naturally in a very modest way, he expressed himself as realising what a sacrifice it would be for her and a sorrow for you. I answered that I knew nothing at all about this and could not give him the slightest hope- only write to you about it. What answer you then would give me, I would let him know through his mother Maroussy (Maria of Leuchtenberg). I merely said to him that I knew for certain that she would never live in Berlin or Potsdam, to which he replied that yes, I know, and he would immediately leave it to go to Baden.
I am quite unhappy at having to give you this unpleasantness, to write all this, which I know will upset you, my poor angel Alix, but what was I to do, he so asked me, and he is, you know, such a nice, good-looking and distinguished young man of whom I am very fond, and who would probably be able to make a very good husband if she could love him. But that is the question. He is naturally waiting impatiently for an answer-through me".
Unfortunately I don't know Alix reply.