Author Topic: Romanovs and Faith/Orthodox Religion  (Read 165028 times)

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Naslednik Norvezhskiy

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Re: a question of marriage and religion
« Reply #180 on: March 15, 2011, 09:29:15 AM »
Article 185 was evidently only applied to the heir closest to the throne, the Heir-Tsesarevich.

The inspiration/basis for this limited interpretation might be interpreted as coming from Article 35, which deals with the religious requirement should the Throne, upon the extinction of the agnatic line, pass via the cognatic line to another reigning house:

Когда наследство дойдет до такого поколения женского, которое царствует уже на другом Престоле, тогда наследующему лицу предоставляется избрать веру и Престол, и отрешись вместе с Наследником от другой веры и Престола, если таковой Престол связан с законом; когда же отрицания от веры не будет, то наследует то лице, которое за сим ближе по порядку. Там же.
When the succession reaches a female branch which is already reigning on another throne, it is left to the person who succeeds to make a choice of faith and throne and, together with that person's heir, to renounce the other faith and throne, if such a throne is tied with a religious denomination; if there is no renunciation of faith, the succession passes to the person next in order.

There is no explicit demand for other members of the IF to profess Orthodoxy or ban against baptism or conversion into another faith, so in theory it was possible, although it would have caused a major scandal and probably would have led to the Emperor issuing an autocratic manifesto or ukase stripping them of membership of the IF, considering that the whole point of the IF was to provide heirs to Throne, whose occupant had to be Orthodox. There was of course also an issue with the oaths of loyalty male members of the IF had to swear to the Emperor, I don't know if they demanded the oath-taker to be Orthodox.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2011, 09:57:25 AM by Фёдор Петрович »

Naslednik Norvezhskiy

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Re: a question of marriage and religion
« Reply #181 on: March 15, 2011, 10:06:52 AM »
That would be my assumption, since the Tsar is the head of the Orthodox church.

What a blasphemic thing to say. According to Article 64 of the Fundamental Laws:
Император, яко Христианский Государь, есть верховный защитник и хранитель догматов господствующей веры, и блюститель правоверия и всякого в Церкви святой благочиния.
The emperor, as a Christian sovereign, is the supreme defender and guardian of the dogmas of the predominant faith and watches over the purity of Faith and all good order in the holy Church.

Sounds more like a custodian than a pope! :-)
« Last Edit: March 15, 2011, 10:25:01 AM by Фёдор Петрович »


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Cherubic Hymn - Liturgical Music listened to by the Imperial Family
« Reply #182 on: April 23, 2015, 04:51:25 AM »
I heard the IF particularly liked the Cherubic Hymn, but looking it up on YouTube there are so many different versions, I was wondering if anyone could give me a link to the one they would have listened to? Thanks!

Offline Jeremiah

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Re: Romanovs and Faith/Orthodox Religion
« Reply #183 on: August 06, 2017, 12:33:48 PM »
Hi, I wanted to ask you if you know whether I could find on any of the threads the daily program of praying in the Romanov Imperial family. I'm interested in learning about their religious life as whole, not on an individual level. Thanks.