I'm madly looking for the very first pic of the IF I've seen - the one from which my obsession began!
It was in a italian magazine, some 12 years ago (i know this not relevant at all) but i've lost it (grrr) and, moreover, i've never seen it again - it was not a fake, i'm sure. Maybe it was just very rare.
The resolution was very poor, and it came from one of Anastasia's album - it was partly coloured, most in red and pink, so i think it was Anastasia's colouring (she always used red and pink...)
I know i'm asking you something impossible - just try.
In the pics there were only Nicholas, Aleksandra, and OMA. No Tat'jana nor Aleksej. Aleksandra and Ol'ga were sitting in a carriage, one on front of the other. Nicholas was sitting on the footboard, Marija was standing at a side, near Ol'ga (on the far right, looking at the pic) and Anastasia was leaning to the carriage, just behind her mother - at the far left.
I'm quite sure the year was 1917, during the captivity in Zarskoje: the photo was labelled "The tsar and his family in captivity", but 'im sure not for it, but beacause all the girls - even Anastasija - had their hair gathered up, and they were those kind of clothes they used when they work in the garden during Tsarskoe captivity. Moreover, Nicholas and Aleksandra looked quite old, and very tired.
I know it's so difficult to understand which picture I mean - and now I know it's rare, but it's so important to me.
If anyone has already seen it... i thank you with all my heart!