Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > Balkan Royal Families

King Carol II of Romania

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Other than being the Camilla Parker Bowles of her day, does anyone have any information on this royal mistress and later wife of King Carol II.

What was her hold over Carol II?


--- Quote ---Other than being the Camilla Parker Bowles of her day, does anyone have any information on this royal mistress and later wife of King Carol II.

What was her hold over Carol II?
--- End quote ---

for one thing I would not put Camilla and Elena in the same category - (the name Magda was created by the press).  Elena was the mistress of a dictator, and she helped Carol amass a fortune, and then steal it .. and live off it in exile.  Of course, when Elena died, there were numerous stories about her in the media (obituaries).  Alice  Leone-Moats wrote a biography, Lupescu, that was published in 1955.  Quinlan's book, A Playboy King, also has a lot of information.  


I apologize to Ms. Parker Bowles.  I was only comparing the beautiful and popular Princess Helen to Lady Di.  Both had husbands in love longterm with other women who were not considered as stylish and beautiful by the masses as they were.

Also, I have read that Carol II left Roumania for exile with over 50 million dollars (1945 dollars) in cash plus another 20 million dollars in "loot".

Did Elena inherit what left of this windfall upon the death of Carol II or did it go to his son (and/or other non-royal children)?


--- Quote ---Marlene,

I apologize to Ms. Parker Bowles.  I was only comparing the beautiful and popular Princess Helen to Lady Di.  Both had husbands in love longterm with other women who were not considered as stylish and beautiful by the masses as they were."
Carol and Helen were divorced before he reclaimed the throne, and kicked Helen out of the country, and limited her time with her son.  Cannot compare the situation.  

"Did Elena inherit what left of this windfall upon the death of Carol II or did it go to his son (and/or other non-royal children)?
--- End quote ---

No one knows for sure what happened Carol's loot.  Michael certainly did not inherit it ... it is said that Carol left everything in a Swiss bank account  - and Michael would visit the bank and keep trying passwords, trying to get access to it.  Elena did not seem to have financial worries in Portugal after Carol II's death.

Michael's financial situation since exile has always been a fragile one.

The Lupescu woman lived in extreme comfort in her many years of exile after Carols II's death and yes King Michael did not see a penny from his father...one wonders if he had been in better financial position if his daughters would have been more palatable marriage prospects.

Arturo Beéche


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