There's a good bit of DP in Flight of the Romanovs. Someone well-known (I can't remember right now) commented on him sitting alone in a corner at a casino in Monte Carlo, watching the blackjack players but unable to afford to join in. He was romantically involved for quite awhile in the early '20s with Coco Chanel, with rumors even circulating of an engagement, but he decided he was ready to go the "morganatic" route, I guess while hopes of a restoration were still afloat. Of course, he later did go just this route. Coco was apparently pretty bitter since she wrote of the Grand Dukes in Paris (with apparent direct reference to DP) that they possessed good looks, green eyes, broad shoulders, but there was nothing there but hollowness and vodka. MP wrote that he was born basically a golden child, possessed of all gifts of charm and looks but basically squandered them, floating along in life. She also wrote of others envy of him as he was an acknowledged favorite of the Tsar when so many other GDs were outside the circle. FOTR also notes the final break with FY with Dimitri writing him a letter following FY's book & lawsuit against MGM blasting him for exploiting Rasputin's murder when DP assumed they would never mention it and FY was exploiting it for money he really didn't need. He concluded by saying FY owed his life to DP's family connection & royal status but also acknowledging that his exile had saved his life. He now considered their relationship irretrievably broken.