Author Topic: Visiting the Palaces Individually.  (Read 48829 times)

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Visiting the Palaces Individually.
« on: March 10, 2005, 02:02:41 AM »
I was wondering how easy it is to visit the interiors of the major palaces, if not part of an organised tour group ??

I know it is possible to walk around the Alexander Palace at your own pace, but I only ever saw large tour groups at Peterhof and the Catherine Palace being herded through the rooms quite quickly. For us Romanov fanatics  ;) it would be no way near enough time to stop and full appreciate the splendid interiors.

I am particularly interested in the Catherine Palace, Gatchina, Peterhof Cottage and Pavlovsk Palaces. Perhaps someone has been able to do this ??


Greg D


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Re: Visiting the Palaces Individually.
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2005, 01:48:14 PM »
As the fully licensed guide , I could give you the following advice:
If you want to go only by you ( without quide) and see every palace not quickly ,but slowly and only by yourself,
you must come on  winter.
If you would like to come on summer, you will not be able to buy the ticket to Catherine Palace or to Peterhof,
because the preliminary booking is highly requested.
If you want to come in summer,
you have two choices: to join organised group or to
to ask your personal guide through the travel company or friends ,who will make all arrangements with tickets.
(I am not offering my own services, cause I am working only with Japanese)
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Offline Belochka

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Re: Visiting the Palaces Individually.
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2005, 09:20:43 PM »
I was wondering how easy it is to visit the interiors of the major palaces, if not part of an organised tour group ??

Greg D

I visited all the palaces independent of any guides. A knowledge of the language is almost essential. There were no restrictions (except photography in some facilities), no problems with buying tickets, but you must plan ahead and know how to use the metro or taxibuses (the best mode of cheap travel for longer out of town rides). Its very simple and this prefered option allows you to look at things of interest at your own pace. :D

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Re: Visiting the Palaces Individually.
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2005, 01:36:06 AM »
thanks for the advice.

I am currently learning Russian, mainly in the hope of returning to St Petersburg with slightly more than a Spasibo amd Zdrastvytye !.

I would imagine things are quieter in winter, though I dont know if I fancy tackling deep snow drifts.



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Re: Visiting the Palaces Individually.
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2005, 04:42:55 AM »
There are a lot of summer days , when Catherine Palace
is overcrowed with groups and in this case , individuals can not
buy any tickets . they are not allowed to enter. (ticket's
cassa is closed)
(the same case with the BIG PALACEof Peterhog)
Some summer days individuals  can enter into the Palace only between 16:00 and 17:00. So,
It is better to check it in hotel before to go to
There are no such problems with Alexandr Palace,
Small Peterhof palace, Gatchina Palace etc.


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Re: Visiting the Palaces Individually.
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2005, 07:35:30 AM »
I visited some of the palaces without a guide, others with a guide. If you have a lot of time and have already done a lot of background reading, and also have specific things in mind to see, then it's probably better to go on your own. This will give you the freedom to spend as much or as little time as you want. Belochka is right, a good understanding of Russian would probably really help, since many of the palaces do not have signs in English. But again, if you already know what you are seeing, then it wouldn't matter that much. True about the CP being too crowded in the summer to attempt buying a ticket on your own. AP, I think, is a different story, it doesn't seem to be too crowded even in the high season.

Other palaces, like the Yussupov Moika place, has gotten very popular recently and tickets are needed in advance during the summer too. I think in order to see the "Rasputin cellar" you have to go with a guide.


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Re: Visiting the Palaces Individually.
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2005, 07:36:39 AM »
(I am not offering my own services, cause I am working only with Japanese)

Hikaru, do you speak Japanese then? I thought your screen name sounded Japanese  ;)


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Re: Visiting the Palaces Individually.
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2005, 07:46:35 AM »
Yes , I am .
Do you know japanese?


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Re: Visiting the Palaces Individually.
« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2005, 08:23:56 AM »
Yes , I am .
Do you know japanese?

No, I wish! Just a couple of words...  

Offline Belochka

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Re: Visiting the Palaces Individually.
« Reply #9 on: March 11, 2005, 08:55:38 PM »
So, It is better to check it in hotel before to go to Pushkin.

Hi hikaru,

I am intrigued with your use of the soviet term Pushkin.

In 1937, the soviets, for the second time, re-named this town from Detskoe Selo, to honor Alexander Pushkin on the occasion of the centenary of his death. The original historic name of Tsarskoe Selo, was restored in the 1990's several years ago.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Belochka »

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Re: Visiting the Palaces Individually.
« Reply #10 on: March 11, 2005, 10:44:32 PM »
Belochka, It is Pushkin again.
It is remained for the more than 5 years.

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Re: Visiting the Palaces Individually.
« Reply #11 on: March 12, 2005, 12:50:10 AM »
Hi Hikuru,

Do not both Palaces (Alexander and Catherine Palaces) and surrounding parks form the Tsarskoe Selo State Reserve (Gosudarstvennii Muzei-Zapovednik)?

Did the township revert then in 1999 to commemorate Pushkin's bicenntenial anniversary of his birth?

Thanks for your information,

Belochka :)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Belochka »

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Re: Visiting the Palaces Individually.
« Reply #12 on: March 12, 2005, 06:30:38 AM »

I am intrigued with your use of the soviet term Pushkin.

From what I understand, no one calls it calls it "Tsarskoe Selo" these days, it is "Pushkin" to all the locals...

Offline Belochka

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Re: Visiting the Palaces Individually.
« Reply #13 on: March 12, 2005, 04:22:14 PM »
From what I understand, no one calls it calls it "Tsarskoe Selo" these days, it is "Pushkin" to all the locals...

Oh well, after fifty years its not easy to let go. Anyway the place is now larger than a village setting, so Pushkin it will be! ;)

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Re: Visiting the Palaces Individually.
« Reply #14 on: December 10, 2006, 03:15:52 PM »
I think Helen's word on the T.S. vs. Pushkin subject is probably very valid, because she has lived there.  I was in the town for only 3 days in 2006 and chose to use "Pushkin" because I have so much trouble enunciating Tsarskoe Selo!  However, I did notice that the few local people I talked with used " T.S.", not "Pushkin".  Perhaps it was just a random experience.  Then again, wouldn't it be nice to have the old name permanently restored?