Author Topic: Claimants of Grand Duchess Tatiana Nicholaevna  (Read 146207 times)

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Re: Claimants of Grand Duchess Tatiana Nicholaevna
« Reply #135 on: April 16, 2013, 05:50:22 PM »
Another mysterious twist to the story happened the 30th of July 1998. That morning it was found that the railings surrounding Larissa´s grave had been removed. Shortly afterwards some stone masons arrived to the grave and cleaned the headstone and the marble surrounds. Enquiries were made to the Shepway District Councel and to the Tudor family but noone knew who had given order about this work. This according to Sue Edwards in her little book "No resting place for a Romanov". She is a local historian from Kent. She wondered if it was the Russian Embassy or some other Russians who had ordered this work to be done. Quite a mystery isen´t it? But until this day noone seems to know more than twenty years ago. But somehow mysteries have their own beauty.
Stepan, do you think there is a possibility, that some autorithy DID open Larissas grave then in  1998 ?
To be able to take a sample from her remains, and check it against the DNA of the IF.
There were still one missing grand duchess at that time. And the only grand duchess the scientist agreed about, was GD Olga N.
Some people speculated that it could have been GD Tatiana who was missing.
So only to make  sure the missing GD wasn´t peacefully buried in England, instead of the Urals.


I think that anything is possible here. But it seems that the grave wasen´t opened but only cleaned. Headstone and the marble around.But who knows what could have happened during a dark night? Sue Edwards thought it was a strange coincidence that this happened during the same month as the Romanov burial in St. Peteraburg.


« Last Edit: April 16, 2013, 05:56:27 PM by stepan »


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Re: Claimants of Grand Duchess Tatiana Nicholaevna
« Reply #136 on: April 24, 2013, 02:27:18 PM »
Yes, it was strange. But we will never know.  I only hope now that the two remaining children get a descent funeral in St.Petersburg,
so this sad chapter gets a closure.


Offline TimM

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Re: Claimants of Grand Duchess Tatiana Nicholaevna
« Reply #137 on: April 25, 2013, 10:30:46 AM »
I agree.  They deserve a decent burial, whoever they are.
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Re: Claimants of Grand Duchess Tatiana Nicholaevna
« Reply #138 on: April 25, 2013, 11:47:15 AM »
For sure, I agree!

Offline Yelena Aleksandrovna

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Re: Claimants of Grand Duchess Tatiana Nicholaevna
« Reply #139 on: December 26, 2013, 03:08:14 PM »

I was recently reading an odd -for not saying non sense- article on a Spanish newspaper online that said that the four Grand Duchesses and the Tsarina escaped, they identified Tatiana as a nun, here a translation of the fragment that says this:

 "...Tatiana, the second daughter of the Tsar, died during the first months of World War II (1939 or 1940), in a nunnery Ukrainian Catholic Basilian order in Poland, under the protection of Metropolitan of Lviv, Archbishop Andrei Szeptycki (predecessor of today Josyf Slipyj Cardinal, who said several family members have been aware of the issue)".

Well, I found recently  a story of a nun "Tatiana" , that possibly can be this woman (although not all the details fit), sadly the information was in Russian and my knowledge of it is terribly poor, so I got to understand this using the translator:

-Natalya Menshova- Radyshcheva: Is said that she was daughter of  a monarchist named  Ivan Menshov-Radyshchev. Apparently her family escaped in 1918 and she became  Catholic under the influence of local priests. In 1920 this woman travelled to Poland. Influenced by Skalski and Kakovskogo (two Church men, the second Cardinal Primate, if I'm not wrong) she declared herself  "Tatiana Romanova" (who escaped of death) and claimed to be saved of Yekaterinburg for members of a secret monarchist organization called "Society rescues the king and country." Then she became a novice in Warsaw on a convent supervised by the abbess Rosalia Okentskoy (1932-34).
She tried to get an audience with King Alexander of Yugoslavia but was arrested and sent from Belgrade to Austria. The remaining members of the Romanov family declared that this woman was in fact an imposter.
In 1939, at the time of the German invasion she was staying in Lviv but time after returned to Warsaw and lived in the house of the Countess Sobinskoy. She was recruited by German intelligence under the pseudonym "№ 3" and was trained by it, and she worked in the Polish community, informing about anti-German sentiment. Since 1941 she worked as a nurse in a hospital for prisoners of war, continuing to inform about the anti-Nazi conversations to the Gestapo. In 1942 finally moved to Lviv, where Sheptitsky took her custody and there, the woman edited  her "memories".
She lived in St. George's Cathedral in 1943 and in that year (with the help of two abbots) she got a "birth certificate" that stated that she was Tatiana Romanova. The same year  the "Grand Duchess " refused all her possessions to the Uniate Church. She worked at her monastery hospital (I think that until the end of WWII), but her fate after the German defeat still remains unknown.

More information about this woman is welcome... and photos too!!! ;-)

« Last Edit: December 26, 2013, 03:16:33 PM by Yelena Aleksandrovna »