From reading the first chapter - or the part of it that was on the excerpt - I found myself laughing many times. What in the world - a boy with the wrong gender and a girl in a shell? Really, guys? I don't know if that's exactly right, but I am NOT going back to reread it. I hope the woman does not expect to be believed by hard-core Romanov fans or anybody with even a bit of knowledge on the subject. Aleksandr Pavlovich, you are EXACTLY right about the Hamlet quote. I have never read Hamlet (although I have read Romeo and Juliet =D) but that is perfect. Every other sentence (it seemed): "My grandmother the Grand Duchess Anastasia", or "Czarina Anastasia" - really. Historical facts, please! There were *way* too many male Romanovs for it to be even likely for ANR to become Czarina.
And imagine! Some poor reader, picking up an e-reader and surfing around on it, finding this, and knowing nothing about Russian History or Anastasia, decides to read it and believes every word of it, without bothering to check reliable sources - Nicholas and Alexandra by Robert K. Massie, The Lost Crown by Sarah Miller, or even our very own APTM - and goes his whole life believing that Anastasia lived and shoveled snow in her 70's. At least the two reviews on there (one more since you checked, Sunny!) were both 1-stars. Well, I suppose that's something.
And good grief - it was Maria who's body was found with Alexei! Really, now!
Okay, I'm done with my ranting ;-D