Author Topic: Queen Isabel (Isabella) II of Spain and her family  (Read 176764 times)

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Queen Isabel (Isabella) II of Spain and her family
« on: March 15, 2005, 03:13:29 PM »
Great idea with an Iberian royal section..
I would love to know more about Isabella. I know she had many lovers, and was unpopular among the population.
What happend to her after her abdication?
And of cource some pictures of her would be great!

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Re: Queen Isabel (Isabella) II of Spain and her family
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2005, 03:29:37 PM »
Queen Isabel was initially adored by the public and the majority of the nation rallied behind her during the Carlist wars, which led to her side winning these.

But Spain was in decay.  In 1810 a number of colonies were lost, another bunch went in 1821 and by the time of her coming of age the former Spanish Empire in America and the Philippines was reduced to Puerto Rica, Cuba and the Philippine Islands.  It is unnecessary for me to tell you the financial havoc this wreked in Spain's finances.

Add to that a worsening political situation and an endless succession of increasingly weak governments which simply paralyzed the country.

The role pleyd in her fall by the Infante Antoine, Duc de Montpensier, was of extreme importance.  Hungry for the throne himself, Montpensier used his vast fortune to secretly attack her sister-in-law the Queen and organize her downfall...but it back fired as he was never trusted by Spaniards in general and politicians in particular.

Isabel went into exile in 1868 and never again returne dto Spain to live.  She was kept outside of Spain as much as possible since the political class feared her presenc ein Spain would only cause trouble.  She was not happy in 1874 when the restored crown was given to her son, instead of returned to her.

Her marriage to the effete infante Francisco de Asís was another source of much discredit.

Arturo Beéche
Arturo Beéche, Publisher
European Royal History Journal
Kensington House Books
6300 Kensington Ave.
East Richmond Heights, CA 94805 USA


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Re: Queen Isabel (Isabella) II of Spain and her family
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2005, 03:46:56 PM »
Thanks as always for this great info. :)
She sounds to have had quite a few things to deal with in her reign..
How was her relationship with her son. Did she blame him in anyway for becoming king?
I gather that the Duke de Montpeniser married a sister of hers. How could he claim the throne. Was he Spanish?

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Re: Queen Isabel (Isabella) II of Spain and her family
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2005, 04:00:59 PM »
Montpensier wanted the throne for his wife, Infanta Luisa Fernanda, Isabel's sister from her father and mother.  As King Consort Montpensier knew he would rule, and not the pious Luisa Fernanda.

Isabel was upset at the situation with her sono, but she knew in the end that what mattered was bringing the monarchy back, irrespective of her or Alfonso wearing the purple.

Arturo Beéche
Arturo Beéche, Publisher
European Royal History Journal
Kensington House Books
6300 Kensington Ave.
East Richmond Heights, CA 94805 USA


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Re: Queen Isabel (Isabella) II of Spain and her family
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2005, 04:12:30 PM »
This whole arrangement of the 'Spanish marriages' was terrible for both Fernanda & Isabella, wasn't it? They were manipulated by the double dealing of Louis Philippe who was determined to have one of his sons on the Spanish throne. Prince Albert was utterly appalled by it & made every allowance for Isabella's subsequent taking of numerous lovers:
"What will Louis Philippe not have to answer for in Heaven?"  


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Re: Queen Isabel (Isabella) II of Spain and her family
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2005, 04:27:13 PM »
Thanks for posting these  :) She does seem to fit the descriptions given of her...
Was the one on the right from a Spanish newspaper? It seems rather cruel.


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Re: Queen Isabel (Isabella) II of Spain and her family
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2005, 04:42:20 PM »
I don't have the source, unfortunately, for the picture on the right, but I am willing to bet it's a political cartoon lambasting her for leaving the country, or trying to force her out.

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Re: Queen Isabel (Isabella) II of Spain and her family
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2005, 12:40:19 PM »
Was anyone else considered to be candidate for her(Isabella II)?Does anyone have pictures of her sister of brother in law(Montpensier)?Thanks


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Re: Queen Isabel (Isabella) II of Spain and her family
« Reply #8 on: March 16, 2005, 02:05:35 PM »
Ok this may be a lot to ask but I know we have some very smart people here so I will go ahead and do it. I have been on many of the Royal genealogy sites and have gotten some of the basics and have been through Massie's "Last Courts" with a fine tooth comb but...

Could anyone please list all of Isabel's children by the names they were commonly known as, pretty please. The girls had so many names included in their titles. I know they were probably just called one name. Plus they were all Marias  :-/. Like Infanta Maria Eulalia was just known as Infanta Eulalia, right.

She had a number of sons die in infancy or that were simply stillborn. Alfonso then would have been her only son to live into adulthood. She apparently had several daughters die young as well. What was the reason for so many of her children diying young. Was it sickness?  Was the Spanish air, so to speak blamed. I mean was it due to sanitation or medical issues? Anybody have any ideas?

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Re: Queen Isabel (Isabella) II of Spain and her family
« Reply #9 on: March 16, 2005, 03:54:35 PM »
Isabel's five surviving children (those who reached adulthood) were:

Isabel (1851-1931) - commonly known as la Chata (pug faced) - married to Gaetano of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (1846-1871), Count of Girgenti, who committed suicide.

Alfonso XII (1857-1885) - first married to Maria de las Merceds de Orleans, a duaghter of Montpensier and Luisa Fernanda, secondly married to Archduchess Maria Crisitna of Austria.

Pilar (1861-1879) - unmarried

Paz (1862-1946) - married to her first cousin Ludwig Ferdinand of Bavaria (1859-1949)

Eulalia (1864-1958 ) - married to her first cousin Antonio of Orleans (1866-1930), only surviving son of Montpensier.

Arturo Beéche
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Eurohistory »
Arturo Beéche, Publisher
European Royal History Journal
Kensington House Books
6300 Kensington Ave.
East Richmond Heights, CA 94805 USA


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Re: Queen Isabel (Isabella) II of Spain and her family
« Reply #10 on: March 16, 2005, 04:13:57 PM »
Did Isabella approve of her children marrying into the Montpensier family, considering their role in her downfall?
Was her husband the father of all these children?

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Re: Queen Isabel (Isabella) II of Spain and her family
« Reply #11 on: March 16, 2005, 04:28:07 PM »
The parentage of Isabel's children is always up for speculation.  Eulalia is reputed to have said that Francisco de Asís was not her father.  Isabel la Chata would have never made any such statements, being the most regal of the siblings.

She was not happy with marriage into the Montpeniser brood, but the Queen and her sister eventually made peace.

Arturo Beéche
Arturo Beéche, Publisher
European Royal History Journal
Kensington House Books
6300 Kensington Ave.
East Richmond Heights, CA 94805 USA


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Re: Queen Isabel (Isabella) II of Spain and her family
« Reply #12 on: March 16, 2005, 04:47:55 PM »
Thank you so much for listing her children Art.  :).
I have just tracked down the first cousin connection between the younger girls and their husbands as well. I have learned alot today  ;D.

Another quick follow up question.
So when the daughters Maria del Pilar and Maria de la Paz were refered to by family they were called Pilar and Paz?

Also M d Pilar died at 18, what was her cause of death?
Sorry I know VERY little about the older Spanish royals, (well at least before today I did).
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by PrinceEddy1864 »

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Re: Queen Isabel (Isabella) II of Spain and her family
« Reply #13 on: March 16, 2005, 06:23:16 PM »
Thank you so much for listing her children Art.  :).
I have just tracked down the first cousin connection between the younger girls and their husbands as well. I have learned alot today  ;D.

Another quick follow up question.
So when the daughters Maria del Pilar and Maria de la Paz were refered to by family they were called Pilar and Paz?

Also M d Pilar died at 18, what was her cause of death?
Sorry I know VERY little about the older Spanish royals, (well at least before today I did).

I have checked several sources here in my library and they all point to the fact that Pilar's death was sudden. On August 3, 1879, she did not feel well...that evening, while reading she suffered convulsions and fainted...she spent the following day in bed...dying on August 5 before the family could reach her bedside.  Only Paz seems to have been present when Pilar died.

Arturo Beéche

Arturo Beéche, Publisher
European Royal History Journal
Kensington House Books
6300 Kensington Ave.
East Richmond Heights, CA 94805 USA


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Re: Queen Isabel (Isabella) II of Spain and her family
« Reply #14 on: March 16, 2005, 07:28:58 PM »
Thank you for taking the time to research it Art. I appreciate it. You also inadvertantly answered my other question about what the girls were refered to  ;D.

As far as Pilar's death goes it must just be a mystery as to what exactly caused it. So there was no illness or anything for a period before. It sounds quite sad as she was so young and had a full life ahead of her then all of a sudden she was dead.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by PrinceEddy1864 »