The Bourbon family is one of Europe's most prolific dynasties.
In 1700 the Dud d'Anjou succeeded as King Felipe V of Spain. one of his sons receved the Dukedom of Parma as inheritace from his mother's family, Isabel Farnesio. Our of this succession began the branch of Bourbon de Parme, better known in English as Bourbon-Parma. This branch reigned over the Duchy of Parma in modern day Italy until 1860. Branch of Bourbon-Parma.
A sub-branch of them succeeded to the Grand Ducal throne of Luxembourg in 1964, when Grand Duke Jean succeeded his mother Grand Duchess Charlotte, who was married to Prince Felix of Bourbon-Parma. Branch of Luxembourg.
Infante Carlos of Spain, was then made Grand Duke Tuscany when the Medici became extinct, his mother being the same Isabel Farnesio of Parma. Carlos later on exchanged his grand ducal throne for that of Naples. in 1759 whn his brother Ferdinand VI of Spain died childless, Carlos succeeded to the throne in Madrid, leaving on the Neapolitan throne his infant son Ferdinando, who was the thus the founder of the Bourbon-Two Sicilies branch. Branch of Bourbon-Two Sicilies.
Upon ascending the Spanish throne in 1759 Carlos III brought his children back to Madrid and they became the Spanish royal family - a fourth branch now...are you counting...Branch of Spain.
Meanwhile in France Louis XIV was succeeded in 1715 by his great-grandson Louis XV, who was also a nephew of the Duc d'Anjou who in 1700 inherited the Spanish throne. Senior Bourbon Branch.
Louis XV's line continued to reign over France until 1792 when the revolution finally did away with the monarchy. this branch was restored to the French throne in 1814 and lost it again in 1830, going into exile in Austria, where their last representative, the Count of Chambord, died childless in 1883.
In 1830 Charles X of France was overthrown. The leaders of the uprising offered the crown to the King's cousin, the Duc d'Orléans, Louis-Philppe of "Bourbon-Orléans," who ruled until a revolution sent him into exile in 1848. His descedants are considered now, at least by a majority of followers and all the royal house sof Europe, to be THE House of France. Branch of Orléans (France).
A grandson of Louis-Philippe, the Count d'Eu, married Princess Imperial Izabel of Brazil, and their descendants are the Imperial House of Brazil. Branch of Orléans-Bragança.
Arturo Beéche