Goofs for Anastasia 1997 animation movie
1) The dowager empress' wedding ring is shown on her third finger, left hand. In Russia at that time, married women wear their wedding bands on the third finger, right hand.
2) The Romanov family is said to have celebrated their 300th anniversary on the Russian throne in 1916, but actually, it was in 1913, since the first Romanov became czar of Russia in 1613.
3) St Petersburg was called Petrograd during the period of the Great War because of anti-German sentiment. Subsequently, the Communists renamed it Leningrad after the Revolution (it did not revert to its Tsarist name until 1991). And yet everyone in the movie was referring to the city as St. Petersburg.
4) Anastasia's last name should be Romanova not Romanov. Romanova is the feminine version.