Author Topic: Antonio de Orleans and Eulalia de Borbón, Infantes of Spain  (Read 76763 times)

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Re: Antonio de Orleans and Eulalia de Borbón, Infantes of Spain
« Reply #60 on: June 30, 2008, 01:54:12 PM »
Queen Marie of Romania described her as : "full of talk and very funny but hardly a good word for anybody; her eye is watchful and she has no love for her neighbour"...
« Last Edit: August 30, 2017, 01:23:21 AM by trentk80 »


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Re: Antonio de Orleans and Eulalia de Borbón, Infantes of Spain
« Reply #61 on: June 30, 2008, 02:17:54 PM »
I´m pretty sure Queen Marie of Romania was right ;)
When king Alfonso XIII and queen Ena went to exile with their children and another members of the royal family, as infanta Isabel, La Chata, they were, firstly, to Paris. Our Eulalia knew they were coming to the city and exclaimed: "¡Dios mío! Ahora se me mete aquí toda la familia..." (I´m not good making translations, but the sense is: "Oh, my God! Now all the family here!!". Nice girl, Eulalia...


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Re: Antonio de Orleans and Eulalia de Borbón, Infantes of Spain
« Reply #62 on: July 01, 2008, 04:18:39 AM »
I´m pretty sure Queen Marie of Romania was right ;)
When king Alfonso XIII and queen Ena went to exile with their children and another members of the royal family, as infanta Isabel, La Chata, they were, firstly, to Paris. Our Eulalia knew they were coming to the city and exclaimed: "¡Dios mío! Ahora se me mete aquí toda la familia..." (I´m n
ot good making translations, but the sense is: "Oh, my God! Now all the family here!!". Nice girl, Eulalia...

Where did you read that? In her Memoirs, Eulalia didn't speak like that.. On the contrary she relates with a lot of a affection and emotion the arrival of the royal family to Paris in 1931.She was very attached to his family....



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Re: Antonio de Orleans and Eulalia de Borbón, Infantes of Spain
« Reply #63 on: July 01, 2008, 11:50:35 AM »
I read it in a spanish newspaper, Remi. I was searching to give you a correct answer, and it was in "El Mundo", january 2000, when it was published a new book about the lost of his kingdom by Alfonso XIII. The book has the tittle: "Cambio de Régimen", and it was written by Rafael Borràs. The article published in the newspaper, with info from the book, was also written by Rafael Borràs ;)


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Re: Antonio de Orleans and Eulalia de Borbón, Infantes of Spain
« Reply #64 on: July 01, 2008, 12:50:11 PM »
I think Eulalie might have said record.


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Re: Antonio de Orleans and Eulalia de Borbón, Infantes of Spain
« Reply #65 on: July 01, 2008, 01:20:18 PM »
I think Eulalie might have said record.

....or she said that in joke!



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Re: Antonio de Orleans and Eulalia de Borbón, Infantes of Spain
« Reply #66 on: July 01, 2008, 01:32:45 PM »
Of course, she could have been just making a joke, but the impression I got when I was reading, is that she was translating into words her first thought. Maybe it was not lack of love, care and understanding to her family, but she could have been in so many ways fearful about being surrounded by all the members of her family...


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Re: Antonio de Orleans and Eulalia de Borbón, Infantes of Spain
« Reply #67 on: July 01, 2008, 08:18:07 PM »
I think Infanta Eulalia is a very interesting character. Is there any book about her apart from her ‘memoirs’? I’ve heard Ricardo Mateos Sáinz de Medrano was writing a bio about Eulalia, does anyone know about this?

I’ve got a French book with interesting information about Infanta Eulalia. It mentions the flat she had in Paris, on Boulevard Lannes, which was decorated on the worst possible taste, full of pink and yellow plush courtains with furniture that didn’t match. Her service were a Spanish Countess and a young Argentinian female reader who was a lesbian (!)
She complained about the amount of money she got from her ‘civil list’, claiming that her sister Infanta Isabel (who according to Eulalia was ‘loaded’) received 250,000 pesetas and she got a mere 150,000.
She was very talkative, and her sense of humour was very ironic. As her grand-niece, the late Infanta Beatriz of Borbon said, ‘Aunt Eulalia had a sharp tongue’. She knew the secrets of most European Courts, specially the bedroom secrets.
Her nephew King Alfonso XIII said about her: ‘My aunt is very kind but she has impossible ideas, and when she wants anything she starts shouting as if she’s talking to a deaf. Then I start to shout louder like I’m commanding a cavalry regiment. There’s no other way to shut her up.’

About her troubled marriage with Antonio de Orléans, her cousin, I’ve read that he wrote some letters to his mother-in-law, the Queen Isabel II, telling her that Eulalia refused to have sex with him because she had some gynecological problems. As he was still young and ‘with needs’, he had to find in other women what his wife couldn’t give to him.
I don’t know if Eulalia’s problems were true or not but when Antonio was flirting with his lover ‘Carmela’, Eulalia was having an affair with Count Jametel – and, according to Antonio she had an abortion in France.

After the begining of World War II, in 1939, Eulalia returned to Spain. First she settled in Irun in a modest appartment. Her grand-son Ataulfo de Orléans-Borbón y Saxe-Coburg and Gotha helped her to build a new house after the sale of some land in Madrid. The name of the house was 'Villa Ataúlfo' and that's where the Infanta spent her last years. Her grand-grand-nephew, King Juan Carlos of Borbón, visited her at this house in 1955, three years before her death.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2016, 06:37:24 PM by trentk80 »


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Re: Antonio de Orleans and Eulalia de Borbón, Infantes of Spain
« Reply #68 on: July 01, 2008, 08:20:33 PM »
One have to remember that Eulalie was a royal rebel. She talked about women's rights when no royal women would consider that idea sane. Her relationship with Alfonso XIII was indeed volitile. I hope Ricardo's book would be out soon...I am enjoying Maria Cristina (with help of course).  ;)


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Re: Antonio de Orleans and Eulalia de Borbón, Infantes of Spain
« Reply #69 on: July 02, 2008, 11:04:36 AM »
Eulalie lived a long life and herstory should be told. Wonder when the bio would be out ???


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Re: Antonio de Orleans and Eulalia de Borbón, Infantes of Spain
« Reply #70 on: July 03, 2008, 06:44:47 PM »
Has anybody got a photo of her deboched's son L.Fernando wife, Mary Say ?

Thanks in advance.


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Re: Antonio de Orleans and Eulalia de Borbón, Infantes of Spain
« Reply #71 on: July 03, 2008, 10:54:28 PM »
Has anybody got a photo of her deboched's son L.Fernando wife, Mary Say ?

Thanks in advance.

Hello! José.Go to then indice de foros,casa real de España, Los Orleans Borbon. Page 3, you must find a photo de Luis Fernando with his very old wife, Marie Constance Say....

« Last Edit: May 01, 2017, 09:50:23 PM by trentk80 »


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Re: Antonio de Orleans and Eulalia de Borbón, Infantes of Spain
« Reply #72 on: July 04, 2008, 01:38:52 AM »
I have only a newspaper clipping of it... >:(


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Re: Antonio de Orleans and Eulalia de Borbón, Infantes of Spain
« Reply #73 on: July 04, 2008, 07:14:51 PM »
Has anybody got a photo of her deboched's son L.Fernando wife, Mary Say ?

Thanks in advance.

Hello! José.Go to then indice de foros,casa real de España, Los Orleans Borbon. Page 3, you must find a photo de Luis Fernando with his very old wife, Marie Constance Say....


Thank you for the link.
That site has the most fantastic photos.

Needless to say I was amazed by the quantity and quality of those related to the Portuguese RF.

I could not stop until I finished the 50 (yes, fifty) pages of photos, many of them unknown to me.

There is the entire coverage of D.Duarte's wedding with a fully documented list of the guests.
And the christening coverages are wonderful, too.

Great job
« Last Edit: May 01, 2017, 09:51:05 PM by trentk80 »


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Re: Antonio de Orleans and Eulalia de Borbón, Infantes of Spain
« Reply #74 on: July 05, 2008, 10:45:00 AM »
Still wondering when the book will come out...