I do know that some money from the Emperor's personal funds were transferred to them in Tobolsk. After that, un named friends did send more money. Now, the suite also had about 150000 rubles hidden among them for the IF (see Volkov). Don't forget that there was also a huge scam going at this time, raising money for the "Emperor's support and escape" but not a kopeck ended up going there (see Volkov again). As for whether Baroness B. did "sell out the IF" remains to be seen, but not for sure. The real truth is that the Bolsheviks found NONE of the IF's jewels until their murder, and the genuine bulk not found until 1933, and more sent out of the country hidden in their remaining luggage; so even "if" Baroness B. made such a revelation, the Bolsheviks really made no profit from it. Perhaps, just perhaps, she told them "what they wanted to hear" to save herself, without really giving up the genuine secrets of the jewels. My two cents.