That the Bolsheviks let people go for unknowable reasons. No one, but NO one was closer to Alexanda than Anya A. yet they let her go scot free. No one ever accused AA of giving away secrets or betraying the IF. So, why should they accuse Sophie B?
Dear Rob,
What you write is actually very true.
There are von Buxhoeveden archives still extant, however, and they are in both Cherry Hills, NJ and in New York City with the surviving direct descedants of the Baroness. I am not aware, however if they have been consulted, or even if the family would allow it.
But as to your point, indeed.
By all signs of the time, Anna Vyrubova should have been shot on-the-spot.
By all signs of the time, Sophie von Buxhoevedent should have been shot on-the-spot.
As a general rule, the Bolsheviks liquidated the courtiers first and asked questions later, if ever.
The had to know who Vyurbova was. Everyone in Piter knew who was Vryubova was. She was probably almost as hated as Rapustin, and slightly less than Kerensky, and was surely blamed for every evil possible. So what indeed was the trade-off? And why was she allowed to escape? And once she escaped into the emigration in Finland, why was she not tracked down there and liquidated in the same manner the Bolsheviks liquidated so many in Paris and in Prague and in Belgrade? There MUST have had to have been a trade-off. But what was it? And what could she have traded up?
As for the Baroness, I write the same questions. Vryubova may have the closest to the Empress, but she was despised even by the rest of the Camarilla. The Baroness was more innocuous and would have learned much than even Vryubova, albeit unwittingly so. So what was the trade-off here? What did she offer up? The jewels...I don't think so personally...the NKVD writes that they were already known about...did she know something about a possiblity of foreign exile that was not mentioned elsewhere? And then why did the Home Office in London grant her "droit-de-sejour" in England when it refused so many other Russian nobles and court people? What exactly did she bring with her to London or have shipped to London? This indeed is not a small question, dear all, but a very, very valid one.
Indeed, let's discuss this. It truly merits close scrutiny.
With all of the best from Shanghai,