Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > The Yussupovs

Your favorite wacky Felix story

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Felix was an interesting character, and very entertaining and funny at times. What are your favorite hilarious tales of Felix's antics? Mine are the time he bought the polar bear with Ella and planned to take it back to St. P and walk it down the street like a dog, and the time he replaced his Dad's friends cigarettes with trick firework ones during the 1905 revolution and they thought an attempt had been made on their lives.

I like the one with the fireworks. lol. I would have LOVED to know Felix.

I think my favorite story was the one where Felix SR. walked in on his son dressed up in drag and I think he was ordering a servant to do something, I can't remember the details. But I do know I laughed when I read it.

In his old age, having dinner with the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, wearing so much makeup that it cracked and fell onto his plate!

Forum Admin:
Mine is when he went to the most exclusive restaurant in St. Petersburg, in his youth, wearing his mother's best gown and huge strand of expensive pearls including La Pelegrina (I think with GD Dmitri, but can't recall off hand for sured).  He was twirling the pearls and making a scene when the string broke and hundreds of perfectly matched pearls went skittering all over the wooden floor of the place, with the waiters diving under tables trying to gather them all back up.


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