Author Topic: Tatiana Anecdotes  (Read 79394 times)

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Offline Holly

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Tatiana Anecdotes
« on: March 26, 2005, 09:40:37 AM »
Sorry if anyone feels Im clogging up the message boards with these, but I think each of the girls should have this topic. I know we all love to hear them! ;)
"Господь им дал дар по молитвам их размягчать окаменелые наши сердца за их страдания..Мне думается, что если люди будут молиться Царской Cемье, оттают сердца с Божией помощью." -- Coming Soon.


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Re: Tatiana Anecdotes
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2005, 12:41:58 PM »
i think there are some on the imperial message board
selina            xxxxxxxxx


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Re: Tatiana Anecdotes
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2005, 11:28:34 AM »
Yeah, there is a section under "The Imperial Family" filled with some.


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Re: Tatiana Anecdotes
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2005, 02:16:26 PM »
look on
selina               xxxxxxxxxxx


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Re: Tatiana Anecdotes
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2005, 01:08:14 PM »
A few from Six Years at the Russian Court:

"On one occasion the Prince of Siam came to visit the Empress, and the children were in the room.[...] The Empress said to the Grand Duchess Tatiana, 'Come, shake hands with this gentleman, Tatiana.' She laughed, and said, 'That is not a gentleman, mama; that's only a monkey.' The Empress, covered with confusion, said, 'You are a monkey yourself, Tatiana,' but the prince laughed heartily. They and the prince afterwards became quite good friends."

"Just before we went to Peterhoff that year, the Grand Duchess Olga had typhoid fever.[...] She wearied to see her sister Tatiana, and was very pleased when the doctor said Tatiana might pay her a visit for just five minutes. I went down and fetched her to see Olga. She stood by the side of the bed and conversed in a most amiable manner to the little sick sister. I was rather surprised at her manner, and when the five minutes were up, told her I must take her down to the nursery again. When she got outside of the door, she exclaimed: 'You told me you were bringing me to see Olga and I have not seen her.' I told her that the little girl in bed was indeed her sister. She cried with great grief. 'That little pale thin child is my dear sister Olga! Oh no, no! I cannot believe it!' She wept bitterly at the change, and it was difficult to persuade her that Olga would soon be herself again."

"One day the children and I were walking in the garden of the Winter Palace. The Emperor has some really beautiful collie dogs, and these were taking exercise in the garden at the same time. One of them, a young untrained creature, jumped on Tatiana Nicolaivna's back, and threw her down. The child was frightened and cried most bitterly. I lifted her up and said: 'Poor Sheilka! she did not mean to hurt you; she only wanted to say 'Good-morning' to you.' The child looked at me and said, 'Was that all? I don't think she is very polite; she could have said it to my face, not to my back.' "

"The Grand Duchess Tatiana was ill one time and slept badly. I was up a good deal through the nights with her. She always asked me to sing for her, and I sang 'Rock of Ages' till the poor little sufferer rebelled, and flatly refused to listen to it any more, so I fell back upon 'Villikins' ['Villikins and his Dinah']. It interested her very much, but she always asked, 'Why did poor Dinah drink the poison cold?' I used to say to her, 'She had not time to warm it, darling; now go to sleep.' One night, however, her enquiries went further, and 'Why didn't she get her Nana to warm it for her? You would have warmed it for me, wouldn't you?' "


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Re: Tatiana Anecdotes
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2005, 01:10:52 PM »
Consequently, here are the lyrics to "Villikens and his Dinah," which nurse Eagar used to sing to the little G.D. Tatiana when she was ill:

'Tis of a rich merchant who in London did dwell,
He had but one daughter, an uncommon nice gel.
Her name it was Dinah, scarce sixteen years old,
With a very large fortune in silver and gold.

As Dinah was a' walking her garden one day,
Her papa he came to her, and thus he did say:
"Go dress yourself, Dinah, in gorgeous array,
And get you a husband both gallant and gay! "

"Oh, papa Oh, papa I've not made up my mind,
And to marry just yet, why I don't feel inclined;
To you my large fortune I'll gladly give o'er,
If you'll let me live single a year or two more."

"Go, go, boldest daughter," the parent replied;
"lf you won't consent to be this here young man's bride,
I'll give your large fortune to the nearest of kin,
And you shan't reap the benefit of one single pin."

As Villikins was walking the garden around,
He spied his dear Dinah lying dead on the ground;
And a cup of cold pizen it lay by her side,
With a billet-doux stating 'twas by pizen she died.

He kissed her cold corpus a thousand times o'er,
He called her his Dinah though she was no more,
Then swallowed the pizen like a lover so brave,
And Villikins and his Dinah lie both in one grave.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Sarai_Porretta »

Offline Laura Mabee

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Re: Tatiana Anecdotes
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2005, 04:32:07 PM »
Wow Sarai,
Thanks for posting that!


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Re: Tatiana Anecdotes
« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2005, 06:55:04 PM »
Awww thanks Sarai!! those stories were so funny!


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Re: Tatiana Anecdotes
« Reply #8 on: April 19, 2005, 03:35:50 PM »
You're welcome, gals! :) I like the one where Tatiana says about the dog "she could have said it to my face, not to my back." I thought that was rather clever of a little one to say. :D And of course the story about her grieving over the condition of her sister Olga is too sweet. She certainly was a very sensitive child.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Sarai_Porretta »

Offline Laura Mabee

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Re: Tatiana Anecdotes
« Reply #9 on: April 19, 2005, 10:04:13 PM »
She certainly was a very sensitive child.

For sure, that was one of the things I think makes me upset the most when I think of the tragic ending. Just how sensitive and innocent those kids were.

Offline clockworkgirl21

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Re: Tatiana Anecdotes
« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2005, 11:11:19 PM »
Well, it helps me to remember that they're somehow still alive and together in some sort of afterlife. :)


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Re: Tatiana Anecdotes
« Reply #11 on: May 23, 2005, 01:13:55 PM »
Those anecdotes are very insightful on what her character was like, at least as a little girl.

Thank you Sarai for posting the lyrics, then the anecdote really made sense.

Offline Margarita Markovna

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Re: Tatiana Anecdotes
« Reply #12 on: June 17, 2005, 10:30:55 PM »
Yea, about the afterlife, yea. I also think that we are sort of keeping them alive through our perpetual interest in them.


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Re: Tatiana Anecdotes
« Reply #13 on: October 18, 2005, 02:38:39 PM »
I love these!
Are there more?


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Re: Tatiana Anecdotes
« Reply #14 on: October 22, 2005, 02:23:37 PM »
Tatiana was going down a snow hill backwards and hit her head on the ice. Fortunatly she was not hurt and simply shook it off with a funny little remark “I thought nothing would be left of the hill, but it turned out that neither it nor my head burst, and my head didn't even hurt. I've got a hard head, don't I? Eh?"

26 January 1918