It seems that many of the rumors about the unhappiness of the queen could've been just that. Here are some headlines:
The Washington Post Jan 20, 1901
There has been so little domestic happiness in the reigning house of the Netherlands that Queen Wilhelmina cannot be blamed unduly for permitting a considerable portion of her marriage contract to be devoted to provisions for the eventuality of Duke Henry severing his relations with her by means of a divorce.
Feb 6, 1901
The wedding of Queen Wilhelmina and Prince "Hendrik," as he is now called will take place to-morrow. The royal couple will proceed to the Lutheran Church, known as the Groot Kerk, at The Hague, in that fearful and wonderful equipage which the people of Amsterdam presented to their sovereign when she came of age a couple of years ago.
PRINCE HENRY IS FORGIVEN.; Queen Wilhelmina Expects Her Subjects to Be as Forbearing as Herself.
Dec 6, 1901
Amsterdam, Dec. 5. -- With the view of allaying public indignation and excitement, semi-official intimations have been circulated, to the effect that Queen Wilhelmina has forgiven her husband, Prince Henry of the Netherlands, the suggestion being that the public ought to follow suit.
DIVORCE OF ROYALTY; Peculiar Laws Apply to the Rulers Of Europe.
Dec 8, 1901
Rumors of the forthcoming divorce of Queen Wilhelmina and of the two beautiful Endinburgh sisters, Victoria Melita, Grand Duchess of Hesse, and Marie, Crown Princess of Roumania, both granddaughters of the late Queen of England, brings to light some peculiar divorce laws to which royal women are subject.
MISMATED ROYAL COUPLES.; Two of Late Queen Victoria's Granddaughters Find Married Life Unhappy
.Dec 8, 1901
London, Dec. 7. -- The domestic infelicities of European royalties have never come so prominently before the public as have today the difficulties of Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands, the dramatic circumstances of which form one of the chief tropics of conversation. The romantic hale surrounding the young Queen and the keen interest taken in her marriage only help to accentdate public curiosity and sympathy.
A WORD FOR PRINCE HENRY; Consorts of Queens Regnant Have a Difficult Road to Travel. Satisfaction for Royal Insults.
Dec 15, 1901
PRINCE HENRY of the Netherlands is not a sympathetic personage; that is to say, he does not possess any fascination of manner or the talent of making friends at once with those around him. The very sterling qualities which he possesses are concealed beneath a somewhat forbidding surface.
CROWN NO PROTECTION; Queens Frequently Beaten by Royal Husbands. PRECEDENTS FOR PRINCE HENRY Brutality of Prince Leopold, of Salm, Who Forced His Wife to Commit Suicide -- Atrocities Inflicted by Hohenzollerus on Unhappy Spouses -- Long List of Horrors s in Prussia -- Russia's Shining Examples -- Nearly 2,000 Brides Murdered by Ivan.
Dec 22, 1901
Berlin, Dec. 14. -- The troubles of the young Queen of Holland and her husband, Prince Henry, recall the misfortunes of other crowned wives who suffered at the hands of unspeakable consorts and of princesses, officials, and others, beaten or slain by murderers of the blood royal. Generally speaking, history, as taught in school and college, fights shy of these tragedies, but European court gossip ...
ANXIETY FOR SICK QUEEN; Wilhelmina's Condition Gives Rise to Much Apprehension. Her Illness Now Admitted to Be Due to Miscarriage -- Prince Consort Birth- day Festivities Abandoned.
Apr 18, 1902
Amsterdam, April 17. -- All classes of the population are deeply grieved at the illness of Queen Wilhelmina. Prince Henry of the Netherlands, the prince consort, is overwhelmed with anxiety, and hardly leaves the Queen's bedside. The Queen's mother is also in constant attendance upon the royal patient.
[apparently this turned out to be typhoid as subsequent stories reported and it took her quite some time to recover]
QUEEN A HAPPY WIFE; Miss Kuyper Denies Stories About Holland's Ruler. WERE STARTED BY MENIAL Daughter of ex-Premier of Netherlands Declares There Is No Marital Trouble Between Wilhelmina and Prince Henry -- Expresses Surprise that Americans Should Have Believed Tales.
Mar 1, 1906
Miss Henrietta S.S. Kuyper, daughter of the ex-premier of Holland, who came to Washington three weeks ago on a brief pleasure trip, has been ill for a fortnight and confined to her room in the George Washington University Hospital, where she was placed by personal request at the time.
DUTCH QUEEN DISAPPOINTED; Wilhelmina Doing Well, Despite Lost Hope of an Heir. Succession of Highest Importance to Holland, as She Is Last of the House of Orange.
Sep 11, 1908
Amsterdam, Sept. 10. -- A dispatch from Alperdon, where Queen Wilhelmina is staying, at the royal castle of Het Loo. states that the queen's hope of an heir has been disappointed. Official confirmation of the statement was given today.
May 9, 1909
While the new-born princess of the Netherlands is being hailed everywhere as the future Queen of Holland, it by no means follows that she is destined to inherit the Dutch throne, for should Wilhelmina, as is probable, again become a mother and give birth to a son, it is the latter, and not his elder sister, who would succeed to the crown.
Prince Consort Of Netherlands Dies Suddenly; Wedded Queen Wilhelmina at Age of 24; Nation in Mourning.
The Hague, Netherlands, July 3 (AP). -- Only a few months after the passing of the queen mother, the Dutch royal family was plunged into mourning again today by the death of Prince Henry, the husband of Queen Wilhelmina.