Valentina Chebotareva’s diary entry dated December 4 (an operation with a soldier surnamed Smirnov)
…..I boiled novocaine and Tatyana alone gathered and boiled the tools, and prepared the tables and clothes necessary for the operation. After 25 minutes, everything was ready. The operation went smoothly. The first cut, however, was difficult. A river of smelly pus poured out. It’s my first time in my life to have nausea witnessing that. Tatyana had no reaction. When Smirnov complains, her (Tatyana’s) face twiches and becomes crimson…
Same diary dated January 8
Tayana helped me cleaning the tools and boiling the silk. While we were doing those, dear Tatyana asked me about my childhood and if I have brothers and sisters…
October 24, 1915
Tatyana (baby) is the first one to arrive. She then tells us “I am going here as this is my second home. Indeed, it’s nice and cozy.”She then ran with me to the kitchen and there, we prepared bandages…
Same diary…April 2, 1917
Barbara Afanasevna received letters from Tatyana and Rita. On her lette, Tatyana wrote; “I head that the hospital moved to new premises. Yesterday, I ordered dishes to be delivered to you. The letter you’ll send me will go through censorship first….
Valentina Chebotareva’s Diary excerpts
January 8, 1916
….Shakh Bagov claims he’s a palm reader. When Olga gave her hand to predict on, Shakh told her she would have 12 children. On Tatyana’s turn, he told her she has a very interesting hand; A line of fate suddenly interrupted and makes a sharp turn to the side. He assures her that should mean something extraordinary…...