« Reply #49 on: April 06, 2006, 05:15:38 PM »

THE FATE OF THE ROMANOVS by King and Wilson p. 364 tell us that Joy was found with Michael Letemin when he was arrested.
...[in part]...
.... Joy, Alexis' spaniel, hid during the murder and , when the bodies were taken out of the cellar room, he ran out into the streets of Ekaterinburg. Later, Joy was found in the home of an Ipatiex House guard, Michael Letemin. When the guard was arrested by the White Army. Colonel Paul Pavlovich Rodzianko looked after Joy who had by then became totally blind. Joy was taken to Omsk with the British Military Mission. There, Baroness Buxhoeveden went to see Joy and the dog seemed to recognize her, despite he was blind, probably because of a familiar smell. Then Paul Rodzianko brought the dog out of Russia with him to a new home in England ". All this is from an article by Marion Wynn " The Last Resting Place of Joy " which was published in ROYALTY DIGEST of november 2004. Marion Wynn also says that " Ortino died with his mistress on the 17th july 1918 and that Jemmy was found in the mineshaft ". I do not know if there is GENUINE evidence about Ortino beeing killed in the cellar room ? And judging from the photo kindly posted by AGRBear, I find it very difficult to recognize Jemmy and to believe that his body did not decompose after so many months in the mineshaft.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by AGRBear »

"What is true by lamplight is not always true by sunlight."
Joubert, Pensees, No. 152