Thanks, Rebecca !
Thats the trouble with bans: it makes it seem more exciting to smoke. In the UK I don't think anyone has been seen with a cigarette in their hand since the 1960s
(apart from Princess Margaret, of course!). I believe the Queen Mother enjoyed the odd puff! Presumably Wills and Harry have experimented (but without inhaling, I hope!).
Back to Denmark. Do the Crown Prince and his brother smoke? I rather suspect that they do. Oh and Norway - smoking's banned in public places there too - does King Harald smoke?
I agree with you - a ban probably makes smoking more exciting. By the way, people working in restaurants are very happy about the new law, as working hour after hour in a smoky environment made some of them ill and others very tired.
Anyway, back to the topic. I've heard that both crown prince Frederik and prince Joachim are smokers, just like their mother queen Margrethe. Queen Ingrid was a very keen smoker as well. Concerning king Harald I'm not sure - I think I've heard that he is or was a smoker, but he's had some health problems lately, so perhaps he has quit smoking.
I have to say that queen Margrethe has always been one of my favourite royals. She is very wellspoken, very intelligent, takes her duties seriously and performs them brilliantly and last, but not least, she seems to have a very big and warm heart.