Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > The Danish Royal Family
The medievall Danish Kings and Queens
Naslednik Norvezhskiy:
--- Quote from: Mari on March 10, 2010, 01:30:42 AM ---or Thyra Danebod could this be Thyra body of a Dane? To identify that She was buried there and that She was a Dane?
--- End quote ---
Interesting, as this was a surprise for me: I assumed that "body" was a Latin-derived word, but it turns out that it's Germanic: Old English botig, Old High German botah. But it seems it is not known to have been a word in Old Danish. And describing Thyra as "Denmark's Body" seems a little odd, but as you can see one has to have an open mind when decoding runic inscriptions, as the ancient rune masters were not strong spellers! :-) (In reality there was of course no established spelling of Old Danish at the time.)
Naslednik Norvezhskiy:
The sad but beautiful medieval ballad about the death of Queen Dagmar:Youtube: Dronning Dagmar
This is a more modern version for several voices, for a truly medieval rendering I recommend the Danish group Phønix's version on Spotify.
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