I was just reading about Ivan III - apparently besides Vasili III, he had another son, Andrey of Staritsa, who had a son, Vladimir. Vladimir's and his family were killed by Ivan the Terrible during the Oprichnina, however his daughter survived.
Maria Vladimirovna married Magnus of Livonia (son of king Christian III of Denmark) and had two daughters. Does anyone know what happened to them and whether or not they had any descendants?
I'm just baffled how after Ivan the Terrible's son Feodor died, there were absolutely no Rurikids left, considering the fact that most Rurikids had quite a lot of children. I understand that there was a tradition of treating a tsar's brothers with suspicion and of not letting them get married in order for them not to threaten the tsar, tradition which encouraged the extinction of the dynasty. However, I just can't help thinking that there must have been some left. The election of tsar Michael seems quite random considering that he was related to a tsar's wife (albeit a very loved wife) and... that was about it, genealogically speaking.
Was the condition of the woman in the Russian society of those times so low that no-one ever thought to consider female-line descendants of tsars (not as in females, but males descended on the female line)? Or were they so obscure that people just preferred a powerful boyar?