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do you know if there is any others of that session?
I know of one, but I saw it a long time ago and I have no idea where. It was horrible quality. Anastasia was on the far left, sort of half sitting half standing. The other three are in the middle in a triangle formation. I think they are sitting. If anyone has any idea of the photo I'm talking about, please post it!
was this one you were talking about?
I think that one was taken in 1917, since Anastasia's hair is up.
no colored by mewas this one you were talking about?
No, Anastasia has her hair down. I'm pretty sure it's from the same session. If someone wants me to, I could e-mail it to them so they could post it. I don't have any photo accounts.
I've never really understood why the hair was shaved? I know it can be good for hair regrowth but still....
There's also a beautiful postcard of Tatiana from 1916, which may be from that same session. I haven't seen postcards of the other three though from that time, though if ones of Tatiana were made, no doubt O, M and A had theirs done too...