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Offline Sarushka

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Re: OTMAA's Formal Photos
« Reply #300 on: June 20, 2013, 08:22:29 PM »
Well lets hope it's the latter then, and that there are a number of buried treasures still to be uncovered!

I think it's entirely possible. There's been a steady trickle of new AP captivity photos over the last several years, mostly from foreign sources.

Offline blessOTMA

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Re: OTMAA's Formal Photos
« Reply #301 on: June 21, 2013, 12:15:55 AM »
I'm hoping the up coming  100 years anniversaries will shake at least a few things lose

I thought brunt film rolls were found in the Ipatiev house stoves by the Whites? So perhaps there were some photos  taken or the film  might have been left over from  Tobolsk ....just not developed yet ? Impossible to know .

The  two Tobolsk  roof photos are very interesting to compare. To me,  the one in which Marie is sitting, they look more tense. TN hand is actually splayed out in what seems an involuntary gesture . I do wish these were not taken so far away, that the  faces became blurred .
I think the one with the Tzar ON, AN and TN (very  likely taken by Marie)on the green house  is an  amazing photo     

"Give my love to all who remember me."

  Olga Nikolaevna


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Re: OTMAA's Formal Photos
« Reply #302 on: June 23, 2013, 09:31:50 AM »
Hello All!
I'm working on compiling all of OTMA's formal photos. I've been scouring the forum and tumblr and I think I have most, if not all, of the photos that have been "published" and available online in one place.
I'm working on uploading them to my Drop Box account and will post a link as soon as I can so you can see if I missed any.
I have photos from the following sessions:
1895, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1904, 1906, 1910, 1911, 1913, 1914, and 1916
Was there a session in 1896, 1902, 1903, 1905, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1912, or 1915?
Thanks in advance!


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Re: OTMAA's Formal Photos
« Reply #303 on: June 23, 2013, 09:48:42 AM »
Hello All!
I'm working on compiling all of OTMA's formal photos. I've been scouring the forum and tumblr and I think I have most, if not all, of the photos that have been "published" and available online in one place.
I'm working on uploading them to my Drop Box account and will post a link as soon as I can so you can see if I missed any.
I have photos from the following sessions:
1895, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1904, 1906, 1910, 1911, 1913, 1914, and 1916
Was there a session in 1896, 1902, 1903, 1905, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1912, or 1915?
Thanks in advance!
The link is
Please let me know if I have a photo in the incorrect session or if there are some of the girls I missed. I know I don't have all of Alexei's in there, but my project is of the girls (and the group photos).

Offline Sarushka

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Re: OTMAA's Formal Photos
« Reply #304 on: June 23, 2013, 11:13:52 AM »
The session you have labeled as 1895 is likely 1896. Olga was born in November, which would make her less than two months old if these were taken in 1895. Since she's sitting up on her own, I think it's 1896.

The photos of Aleksei in a white hat were taken in 1907. (They're currently in your 1906 folder.)

The photos of Aleksei sitting in the flowered wingback may have been taken in 1914. (They're currently in your 1913 folder.)

There are a few poses missing from each session, but it'll take me a little while to sort then out of my collection.

I also found a few new ones -- thanks!

Offline blessOTMA

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Re: OTMAA's Formal Photos
« Reply #305 on: June 23, 2013, 12:13:35 PM »

The photos of Aleksei sitting in the flowered wingback may have been taken in 1914. (They're currently in your 1913 folder.)
This has come up before. imo if one looks at the 1913  family group photos,  the table and flowers on Marie's  right( our left)  are the same as the table and flowers  that are in  Aleksei's  flowered wing back photos,  making it imo  1913.  AF is in the flowered  wing  chair back as well in some of the 1913  family photos ...a table and chair could be from year to year, but not flowers imo

"Give my love to all who remember me."

  Olga Nikolaevna


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Re: OTMAA's Formal Photos
« Reply #306 on: June 23, 2013, 12:41:04 PM »
Hello All!
I'm working on compiling all of OTMA's formal photos. I've been scouring the forum and tumblr and I think I have most, if not all, of the photos that have been "published" and available online in one place.
I'm working on uploading them to my Drop Box account and will post a link as soon as I can so you can see if I missed any.
I have photos from the following sessions:
1895, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1904, 1906, 1910, 1911, 1913, 1914, and 1916
Was there a session in 1896, 1902, 1903, 1905, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1912, or 1915?
Thanks in advance!

The link is
Please let me know if I have a photo in the incorrect session or if there are some of the girls I missed. I know I don't have all of Alexei's in there, but my project is of the girls (and the group photos).

Absolutely outstanding job, Laura! It's so great to have all these formals in one handy reference. Really, your link will be perfect for pinning down both past and future references to these formals  that we often have some idea of ,but can't pin down.

I've seen most of these,or rather the session, not necessarily all the poses. IMO,some of the photos not chosen by Nicholas and Alexandra for wider distribution as official photos are among the best,the most beautiful, and sometimes most revealing of the  states of mind,or mood,or even of the soul of the subjects. Not to mention that on at least a few occasions in the earlier years,the children were a good bit squirmy or distracted. In other words, like typical kids. In other words again, like OTMAA as we've come to understand them.

Also,it's neat to see the parents, Nicholas,especially, looking so proud and affectionate.

As for the missing years, they certainly exist; it's just a question of your eventually finding them. Good luck with that!

 Again,great work,Laura, on some beautiful photos both familiar , and some not so.


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Re: OTMAA's Formal Photos
« Reply #307 on: June 23, 2013, 01:00:23 PM »
The session you have labeled as 1895 is likely 1896. Olga was born in November, which would make her less than two months old if these were taken in 1895. Since she's sitting up on her own, I think it's 1896.

The photos of Aleksei in a white hat were taken in 1907. (They're currently in your 1906 folder.)

The photos of Aleksei sitting in the flowered wingback may have been taken in 1914. (They're currently in your 1913 folder.)

There are a few poses missing from each session, but it'll take me a little while to sort then out of my collection.

I also found a few new ones -- thanks!

1896 makes much more sense!
Now that you mention it, Alexei does look a little bit older in the white hat. 1907 would be logical.

The photos of Aleksei sitting in the flowered wingback may have been taken in 1914. (They're currently in your 1913 folder.)
This has come up before. imo if one looks at the 1913  family group photos,  the table and flowers on Marie's  right( our left)  are the same as the table and flowers  that are in  Aleksei's  flowered wing back photos,  making it imo  1913.  AF is in the flowered  wing  chair back as well in some of the 1913  family photos ...a table and chair could be from year to year, but not flowers imo
Upon further comparison, I agree that the flowers are the same, making the book series 1913. I hadn't noticed that before.
Alix is wearing the same dress and earrings in the 1913 family photo and the photos in the wing backed chair.
Alexei's hair is a little bit different (more parted to the side in the winged back chair) and he almost seems a little older, tho.
If Alix's dress wasn't so similar in the two poses, I'd say the book and wing backed chair photos were two different sessions.

Absolutely outstanding job, Laura! It's so great to have all these formals in one handy reference. Really, your link will be perfect for pinning down both past and future references to these formals  that we often have some idea of ,but can't pin down.

I've seen most of these,or rather the session, not necessarily all the poses. IMO,some of the photos not chosen by Nicholas and Alexandra for wider distribution as official photos are among the best,the most beautiful, and sometimes most revealing of the  states of mind,or mood,or even of the soul of the subjects. Not to mention that on at least a few occasions in the earlier years,the children were a good bit squirmy or distracted. In other words, like typical kids. In other words again, like OTMAA as we've come to understand them.

Also,it's neat to see the parents, Nicholas,especially, looking so proud and affectionate.

As for the missing years, they certainly exist; it's just a question of your eventually finding them. Good luck with that!

 Again,great work,Laura, on some beautiful photos both familiar , and some not so.
That was my intent! Searching boards is time consuming, and I often can't find what I'm looking for even tho I KNOW its there.
Glad you enjoy the collection.
I hope to do Standart photos next.


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Re: OTMAA's Formal Photos
« Reply #308 on: June 23, 2013, 03:34:16 PM »
I have made some changes... I realized I had some duplicates and fixed the errors that you guys pointed out.
Here is the link again:


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Re: OTMAA's Formal Photos
« Reply #309 on: December 06, 2013, 07:42:43 AM »
I'm sorry if this was posted before but I couldn't find a nice version of the 1913 photo of Alix and her daughters smiling, so I thought it would be nice to see it here :

I'm sorry for the weird quality :-/ my scanner wasn't very happy

Offline Olga Maria

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Re: OTMAA's Formal Photos
« Reply #310 on: February 22, 2014, 12:36:37 AM »
Thanks soo much for this! The quality's better than the known one, and I've been looking for this picture in my collection for a long time! Again, thank you!!!

Amazing colored fotos  by the most wonderful Yelena Aleksandrovna. Endless thank you very much!