Dear members,
> I have just read a very interesting book titled "Who Is Responsible?",
> published in 1962, and written by a lady named Alexandra Obrenovich or
> Obrenovic. Since I am very curious about this person with such notable
> knowledge of History and Politics, I tried to find more about her but I don't find any information.
> Elsewhere I found a photo and a short article on her which appeared in
> a spanish newspaper in 1966. In this article she is adressed as
> Princess Alexandra Obrenovic.
> I have consulted every webpage on the name Obrenovic that I could
> find, to no avail.
Could someone please tell me who is she?, Is she still alive?, What
> is her relation -if any- to the former Serbian Royal Family?
> Many thanks.
> Cordially,
> Alfred Mussert
> BTW, the book I mentioned above is available to download for free in
> Google Books.
Many thanks to all for your help and to the Admin for accepting me in your forum.
Here are the two images I found.