Maria Theresa was a very controlling parent to all her children except for Maria Christine, 'Mimi', and it was as if she indulged herself by having one favorite - very unfair on the rest of the family. All Mimi's brothers and sisters resented the favoritism and also resented the control. The picture one often gets of the huge family as a harmonious whole at the theatre, engaged in useful pursuits, in domestic occupations, is in strong contrast to the actuality of the distance and domineering of Maria Theresa, who mainly managed her family through governesses and tutors and later, diplomatic spies. She wanted her daughters especially to be brought up to obey her and to make good marriages, and education came a very long way behind docility and good manners. Maria Amalia and Maria Carolina took the opportunity offered by less intelligent husbands to seize political control, with varying degrees of success, and certainly in Maria Amalia's case one must question whether her wild behaviour was caused by her desire to challenge her mother's domination. I'm not sure a good education would have helped.
However, even with the boys who were carefully educated, the domination was there and often had unfortunate results. Joseph's disastrous second marriage was relentlessly inflicted on him by his parents (in this Franz Stephan showed himself just as controlling as Maria Theresa) and his retaliation was to simply refuse to make any choice of second bride whatsoever, leave it entirely to his parents, and then refuse to show any interest in the wife selected for him (there isn't any evidence that he in fact mistreated her or said that ugly thing about her body being covered with boils, but he did neglect her).
Leopold also did not was not quite the urbane figure he seems from a distance. His feelings towards Mimi have been quoted earlier and Derek Beales' interesting biography of Joseph II mentions Leopold's diary entries suggesting he bitterly resented Joseph's continual advice as well. There clearly was a lot of anger under the surface there.
In short, Maria Theresa managed to bring up a very modern, dysfunctional family!