I love Nicholas II. So tender and delicately kind. And his eyes... stare at them for a minute, you might begin to cry. They're melancholically beautiful.
Best picture of his eyes:
https://www.flickr.com/photos/68919024@N07/14202898273/Sydney Gibbes, English tutor to Nicky's children, said of him,
"He had a presence that was second to none, so full of quiet and assured self-possession and dignity. But it never inspired fear. The deepest senitment that it invoked was awe, not fear. I think the reason for this was his eyes. Yes, I am sure that it was his eyes, so wonderful were they...they looked you straight in the face with the kindest, tenderest, the most loving expression...His eyes were so clear the it seemed as if he opened the whole of his soul to your gaze, a soul that was so simple and pure that it did not fear your scrutiny...This was his great charm..."
When Matilda K was asked if she thought that Anna Anderson was truly Anastasia, she said that she thought so, because the woman had "Nicky's eyes."
Matilda was in her 90s when she was asked that; she remembered his eyes after over sixty years - that's incredible, I think.
And I love that he doesn't seem to take himself too seriously, what with his imitating an airplane, posing like a model on beaches, etc... he took goofier photos than Anastasia, actually (who, by the way, is a close second for my favorite).
Picture of Nicholas upside-down (example of his wonderful strangeness):
https://www.flickr.com/photos/68919024@N07/14180177932/And speaking of pictures, I love when Nicholas looks happy in photos. It makes you smile.
Empress Marie said that Nicholas was so pure of heart that he did not believe in evil. Alexandra's brother, Ernie, described him as "a saint and an angel."
In his personality, Nicholas really does remind me of Jesus, he's so lamblike (or Lamb-like in this case).