Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > The Danish Royal Family
Crown Prince Frederick & Crown Princess Mary
ru-royalty.livejournal: Новый сорт тюльпанов назван в честь датской принцессы Мари
= New sort of tulips named in honour of Danish Princess Mary.
Церемония состоялась в парке датского замка Гавне, принадлежащему баронам Ридц-Тотт.
The ceremony took place in the park of the Danish castle Shit Gavnø, belonging to Baron Ridts- Reedtz-Thott.
One should rather render Gavnø properly yoficated as Гавнё in Russian to avoid mixing it up with the dative and prepositional cases of a very uncouth word! And the Barons Reedtz-Thott have nothing to do with Ritz. Reedtz, the name of a noble family hailing from Pomerania can easily be spelled Рец, as it's a Slavic placename quite common in East Germany, a diminutive form of reka, river. (K developing into ts just like in cæsar / kaiser > tsesar / tsar.)
Mary in more surprising news (especially contrasted with Putin's naval act in Sebastopol, where he mentioned the Crimean War etc.):
Agderposten: Kronprinsesser markerte slaget ved Helgoland
Crownprincesses marked the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Helgoland.
During the naval battle by Helgoland in the German Bight during the Second War of Schleswig on the 9th of April 1864 (the last one fought with wooden ships), Danish ships carrying dead and wounded sailors sought harbour in neutral Norway's southernmost port, Kristiansand, the home town of Crown Princess Mette-Marit, where 18 of them were buried. So Mette-Marit gave Mary a guided tour in her home town when she was over to mark the deaths of these Danish sailors with a memorial service in the cathedral.
--- Quote from: Превед on May 09, 2014, 02:49:12 PM ---Crownprincesses marked the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Helgoland.
--- End quote ---
Pictures: Визит кронпринцессы Мэри в Кристиансанд.
--- Quote from: Превед on May 08, 2014, 08:19:38 PM ---ru-royalty.livejournal: Новый сорт тюльпанов назван в честь датской принцессы Мари
= New sort of tulips named in honour of Danish Princess Mary.
--- End quote ---
Correction: Princess Marie (Мари), not Crown Princess Mary (Мэри)!
Фредерик и Мэри с визитом в Польшу. Они посетят Варшаву и Щецин.
Frederik and Mary on a visit to Poland. They will visit Warsaw and Szczecin (Sztetëno in the Kashubian (in)famous on the forum. :-)
See http://ru-royalty.livejournal.com/2118528.html
Frederik is the 4 x great grandson of Nicholas I, who was Tsar / King of Poland and 5 x great grandson of Empress Maria Fyodorovna (née Sophie Dorothee of Württemberg) who was born in Szczecin, just like his 6 x great grandmother Catherine the Great.
When you go ca. 15+ generations back in Crown Prince Frederik's ancestry you find many Dukes of Pomerania (and native Kings of Poland), whose daughters married into the Houses of Mecklenburg and Denmark.
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