Author Topic: Duke Miguel of Braganza and his family  (Read 226339 times)

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Jose II

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Re: Duke Miguel of Braganza and his family
« Reply #105 on: April 07, 2009, 06:05:39 PM »
Who would want to marry a traitor who betrayed his own elder brother by usurpating his throne. He was known all over Europe as «the tyran from Portugal» by the time he sat on his stolen throne.

Nothing like his beloved brother D.Pedro, the traitor who usurpated the crown from his own father , right ?

Nor the man who could not find any wife at any european court, where all doors shut at him after the news of his behaviour with his wife reach Europe, right ?

The man who took part or quietly witnessed the assassination of his wife Emperess D.Leopoldina by his own mistress, right ?

A true Angel :-)

Jose II

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Re: Duke Miguel of Braganza and his family
« Reply #106 on: April 07, 2009, 06:39:05 PM »
That second Miguel never visited Portugal in his life.Only a few hundereds of people still fight to make believe there ever was a Miguel II. But they have been quite active in this forum  ;)

You should take care of what you say or you will make a fool of yourself.

The Liberator D.Pedro, who had already usurpated the brazilian throne from his father and became a foreign citizen, after being banned from the country he usurpated, decides the tropical air is not good for his health and chooses to come home, the land of his forefathers.

Unfortunately the throne of Portugal is occupied by his brother D.Miguel, so why not start a ravaging civil war and ruin even more the country after the pilliage the french and the english have done ?

D.Pedro wins the civil war and his brother, the rightful king D.Miguel, is sent to exile.

Just like that ? No ! D.Pedro offers D.Miguel a law stating that anybody is entitled to kill him or any of his descendants yet to be born, should he ever enters Portugal again.

Not the police or the army, but any citizen like you or me.

In spite of that, some authors refer that even so, there was a private and secret meeting at Mafra Palace between D.Miguel and D.Pedro V.

Does that make D.Pedro V a traitor for not shooting his uncle :-o ?

As to D.Miguel II, he also visited Portugal more than once.
There is that very wellknown episode when he arrived in Lisbon with his sister Infanta D.Aldegundes and her husband Enrico de Borbon-Parma, duke of Bardi, on the latter's yacht Adelgonda
The couple visited Lisbon, quite discretely, although the Home Office knew of their presence and alerted  King D.Luis, who did nothing.

D.Miguel, his sister and his brother-in-law, decided to go to the São Carlos Theater, where they were recognized.
In  a very subtle way, the Home Office advised them to leave the country.

So, jeopardising his life, D.Miguel II DID VISIT PORTUGAL.

Do your homework before spilling your poison ;-)

Offline Terence

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Re: Duke Miguel of Braganza and his family
« Reply #107 on: April 08, 2009, 12:14:24 AM »
Who would want to marry a traitor who betrayed his own elder brother by usurpating his throne. He was known all over Europe as «the tyran from Portugal» by the time he sat on his stolen throne.

Nothing like his beloved brother D.Pedro, the traitor who usurpated the crown from his own father , right ?

Nor the man who could not find any wife at any european court, where all doors shut at him after the news of his behaviour with his wife reach Europe, right ?

The man who took part or quietly witnessed the assassination of his wife Emperess D.Leopoldina by his own mistress, right ?

A true Angel :-)

Could you clarify what this is about?


Jose II

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Re: Duke Miguel of Braganza and his family
« Reply #108 on: April 08, 2009, 10:56:54 AM »

D.Pedro had made his mistress Domitilia de Castro better known as the Marchioness of Santos a lady of the Court attending his wife the Emperess.

Emperess Leopoldina was preagnant of what would be her 8th child.

One day, there was a huge row between the arrogant Domitilia and the Emperess which ended in physical violence between the two women.
D.Pedro was present and there are two versions of his behaviour.
Some say he was quite amused watching the two women fighting, the other says he took Domitilia's side and also hit Leopoldina.

In the end, D.Leopoldina, severely hurt, fell down which caused her a miscarriage and, shortly after, she died.

Domitilia thought that after D.Leopoldina's death, D.Pedro would marry her, and that she would became the Emperess, but for her fury, her lover ended their relation

Two articles from Wikipedia:,_Marchioness_of_Santos

Duke of New Jersey

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Re: Duke Miguel of Braganza and his family
« Reply #109 on: April 08, 2009, 02:58:12 PM »

The article on Domitila, Marchioness of Santos was just recently written/edited (in the last week) and has no sources so I don't think you can reference it as a source. 

-Duke of NJ


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Re: Duke Miguel of Braganza and his family
« Reply #110 on: April 08, 2009, 03:20:09 PM »
Frankly, I believe nor Pedro neither Miguel were white doves...


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Re: Duke Miguel of Braganza and his family
« Reply #111 on: June 10, 2009, 05:04:29 PM »
Does anyone of you have more pictures of Adelgunde? She was truly beautiful. It's so sad she had 9 miscarriages.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2020, 01:41:13 PM by trentk80 »


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Re: Duke Miguel of Braganza and his family
« Reply #112 on: June 14, 2009, 07:05:55 AM »
Enrico de Bardi also didn't have children with his first wife, Maria Immacolata of Bourbon Two Sicilies.

Where you read she had 9 miscarriages??  :o

Offline MarieCharlotte

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Re: Duke Miguel of Braganza and his family
« Reply #113 on: June 14, 2009, 11:10:39 AM »
Where you read she had 9 miscarriages??

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Re: Duke Miguel of Braganza and his family
« Reply #114 on: June 14, 2009, 01:08:34 PM »
I see. :( I thought also something on Count de Bardi's side of the family. Enrico de Bardi also didn't have children in the first marriage. His uncle, Count de Chambord and great uncle duc de Angoulême were also childless.

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Re: Duke Miguel of Braganza and his family
« Reply #115 on: June 17, 2009, 11:03:33 AM »
The Count de Chambord's inability to have offspring most likely stems from a riding accident he had when young.  Certain parts of his body, important for the reproductive system, sustained considerable damage.  The young man was between life and death as a consequence of the accident.

Arturo Beéche
Arturo Beéche, Publisher
European Royal History Journal
Kensington House Books
6300 Kensington Ave.
East Richmond Heights, CA 94805 USA

Jose II

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Re: Duke Miguel of Braganza and his family
« Reply #116 on: June 22, 2009, 03:59:26 PM »
Adelgundes and Enrico never had any children (she is the only one of her siblings not to have had any children of her own).

Infanta D.Maria das Neves and Infante Alfonso Carlos de Borbon didn't have any children either.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2020, 01:42:14 PM by trentk80 »


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Re: Duke Miguel of Braganza and his family
« Reply #117 on: June 26, 2009, 08:46:08 AM »
By the way, also King Manuel II  of Portugal had no offspring with his wife, Queen Augusta Victoria...does anyone know something about this?
« Last Edit: June 26, 2009, 08:47:58 AM by Bernardino »


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Re: Duke Miguel of Braganza and his family
« Reply #118 on: July 03, 2009, 08:50:05 PM »
Enrico de Bardi also didn't have children with his first wife, Maria Immacolata of Bourbon Two Sicilies.

Maria Luisa Bourbon-Two Sicilies. Right?

I also would love to see any other images of Adelgunde. I have always thought her to be  the loveliest of the sisters. She was very attractive.

Offline synnadene

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Re: Duke Miguel of Braganza and his family
« Reply #119 on: July 04, 2009, 07:15:30 AM »

Yes, Maria Luisa, however her real name was Maria Immaculata Luisa, aber we talk about her as Maria Luisa, so we can make out her of her sister Maria Immakulata, the ADss Karl Salvator.