"The profound irony was that the men who arranged the killing of the Austrian Heir and his wife and thus goaded Vienna into belated action had nothing to do with this official and secret Serbian policy, and their instruments Gavrilo Principic, Nedjelko Cabrinovic and Trifko Gabez, a group of teenagers, were characters out of play by Anton Chejov. All of them were born in Bosnia, but all of them were Bosnian Serbs and Orthodox. The Narodny Obranje or National Defence League was founded with the support of the highest circles in Belgrade; including members of the new dynasty the young Prince Alexander was an outstanding member. Dimitrijevic was a true believer in terror and assassination, he was heavily supported and reinforced by the Russian Militar Attaché Colonel Artamanov, who lavished on him subsidies and assurances of Russian support, if Serb nationalist activities provoke Austria into making war on Serbia. They reached this horrendous goal sending millions of Europeans to die in the Battlefields of the Great War. Prince Alexander, Pasic and Dimitrijevic had in common their hate to Austria, to the Habsburg cosmopolitan idea of a multi ethnic Empire, and very especially they feared that the accession to the throne of Franz Ferdinand with his ideas of a Federal Empire (with four parliaments and an elected chamber of representatives) with the support of all minorities within his realm, will put and end to their goal of a Great Serbia. " I had written these paragraphs in a previous letter. You cannot compare my friend the murder of King Louis XVI in January 1793 with the assasination of Franz Ferdinand, or the attempt to kill Alfonso XIII and Queen Victoria Eugenia in 1906 the day of their wedding. In the first case was a revolution in his country, which changed the face of the world forever. Those who tried to kill the King of Spain were the same anarchists who had killed the King of Italy and the Empress of Austria in Geneva some years earlier. I am speaking about assassinations in modern times orchestrated by a State not by a group of youngsters, Principic and his friends, were trained in Serbia, they received support of agents of the then Pasic Government. Even though it is truth that Dragutin Dimitrijevich was shoot later, this was organized to silence him by Pasic and the others co authors of the killing of Franz Ferdinand. It is proved that those pro Serbian teenagers were just the tool of this plot, and it is true as well that the Minister of Serbia in Vienna went to the Ministry of Foreign Affaires to prevent them that something might occurred during the visit of the Archduke to Sarajevo. None of them wanted to found a New Republic in Bosnia; their only aim was their dream of a Great Serbia, a Kingdom that was going to unify all the Southern Slavic people. What they did not take into account was the opinion of Croats, Bosnians (non Serbs) and others. For them Franz Ferdinand and his ideas of a Federal and multi ethnic Empire were to dangerous for their goal, would make impossible a Great Serbia, the same one of Milosevic (he studied carefully the USA Constitution during his visit to Washington). There are plenty of documents that proved what I am saying you can consult at the Widener Library at Harvard, or in Standford University, Yale, Princeton and many other Libraries in the USA or in different official and academic archives in Europe. Again the Serbian Government used those poor guys to reach their own agenda, with the complicity of Russian agents, like the militar attaché in Belgrade, and some French agents as well. To get rid off the Habsburg Monarchy was a priority for many Republicans, or Pan Slavic. With this final statement I will put and end to the current discussion, I feel that this is a waist of time. You will never agree with me, because there is an evident bad faith in most of the arguments that you had opposed to me. For instance the discussion about nicknames, if Alfred of Saxe was called on Alfie, Affie or whatever other nickname, this is totally superficial. I am just writing a book about Central Europe with one of my former Professors in the USA. I hope that we will be able to publish it before the end of 2006. It takes a lot of time. Last but not least, I know quite well the history of Serbia, they were quite brutal with their enemies but his was quite common in Eastern Europe, Russia was a good example. But I must recognize that they were extremely brave and heroic in their struggle against the Ottoman oppression. They received lots of support from Vienna during centuries, and they were part of the defenders of the City when the Turks besieged it during the XVII Century. So this is it.