If you truly accepted the DNA results, you would not even bother with shoes, height, languages, or anything else. The fact that this discussion continues despite the fact that most of the people here claim to accept the DNA proves that they really must not, or they'd just accept the results and move on. There are still things to be discussed, like how FS did it and who helped her, but quoting all the 'sources' in the world makes no difference at all against the DNA IF you TRULY accept it. And for those who don't, let's see your 'sources' that it was tampered with. If there aren't any, you really don't have anything to go on, the DNA stands AA was not AN and was 99.9% surely FS.
I thought the reason some of you recreated this thread was because it was agreed that the DNA was part of the evidence. So, why, Annie, are you ruining this thread for those who believe as you do that the DNA is fact?
As I have said before, if I hire a lawyer, I would want him to have done his homework which includes every source which provides information such as testimonies which supports the DNA evidence. Why? Because any lawyer worth his/her salt knows that there is always the possibility that the DNA might be supressed by the judge who has every legal right to do so if certain laws apply. And, if this happen, the opposition will have done their homework and won this part of the case even before it entered the court for a jury trial.
On this thread, the creator has voiced that the evidence includes the DNA, so the judge, in this case, is going to allow the DNA evidence into the court for the jury to hear.
If the opposition, again, has done their homework and has brought in evidence which sheds doubt on the DNA and so the jury is hearing about the shoes sizes, the languages, etc. etc. which Peter Kurth and others have voiced in his books and testimony in AA's appeal which resulted in the longest court trial in Germany, then my lawyer, who has done his/her homework, will show each piece of evidence is not to be viewed as valid in the eyes of the jury.
So, now, the ball is back in the hands of my lawyer who needs assisants like Annie, Helen, Jay-Ro-Mee and others who truly believe AA was not GD Anastasia to help find sources which will help prove AA asnt GD Anastasia.
Please present evidence with the source of the information to this thread so my lawyer can be well versed on this subject and in turn use it in court to help our case.
It should be known that the my lawyer will not accept evidence without proper sources.
Since I have hired a very good lawyer, he/she knows that evidence, no matter how important it is, can not and will not be accepted as evidence because evidence without sources is useless in a court of law and the judge will be legally obligated not to admit into the trial such evidence.
Of course, there will be cross examination of the evidence provided.
The judge will demand no further outburst or they will be subjected to a stern fine and maybe a over night or even a weekend visit to the local jail so ordered by a very irratated judge. No "out of jail" cards will be issued nor can your freedom be bought for $50 so you are freed on your next turn