Author Topic: A Chance?  (Read 20721 times)

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Re: A Chance?
« Reply #30 on: June 03, 2005, 06:11:16 PM »
Y'all can believe in whatever you want...but logic doesn't lead one to believe that any in the IF survived...the small, "Shooting Gallery"(this is a term that we British would call "irony")...the cellar where the IF died...the people who claimed to have killed them at a specific time and place were red-hot Bolshi devotees....AND....drum roll...WAIT-FOR-IT...the DNA of the said remains match known relations of the Czar's family...but I can see the point of the romantic hopefuls...a mystery aeroplane might have landed...just-in-time... to wisk one daughter away...or a vicious,blood-thursty Soviet gunman might have had a change of heart and carried a GD to a peasant hut to be nursed back to health...I think I might be getting myself geared up to write 'Harlequin Romances'....


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Re: A Chance?
« Reply #31 on: June 04, 2005, 04:02:11 PM »
I have to say I agree wholeheartedly with RealAnastasia.  I'm sick and tired of people here using patronizing crap when addressing the others who are concerned with this issue.  That to me is what is disrespectful.

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Re: A Chance?
« Reply #32 on: June 05, 2005, 06:24:08 PM »
Thank you, Michelle. You are a rare soul, and you have a really warm heart.  :)

Nevertheless, other people here, who didn't believe in any survivors stories, is very respectful with us, believers.  Rissiasunbeam1918 is one of them. Even if no believer, she must understand that there are people who believes. This is really good, but not always easy to do! I don't know many persons who had the courage, and the tolerance to said: "I don't have your ideas, but it's all right that you have them.


P.S: I didn't answer before now for I was travelling to another city of my country (Rosario) to celebrate the 90 Birthay of my mother's Great-Aunty. And guess what? She told me that, when she was little and young and she had other 7 sisters, people knew them in their niegborhood as...OTMA! They dressed all alike and were beatiful, with deep blue eyes.  ::)


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Re: A Chance?
« Reply #33 on: June 05, 2005, 07:49:14 PM »
I'm often torn....should I just refrain from threads which seem rubbish...or make a comment....I least I HOPE....that we can all be adults and discuss issues without rancour on a personal level....none of us has all the answers....but we must all have a common love and interest in the subject of the IF to be here in the first place...If I have given offense to any...then I am most grieviously sorry....and ask your pardon.....


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Re: A Chance?
« Reply #34 on: June 05, 2005, 09:57:47 PM »
Thank you RealAnastasia!  You're an awesome person! :D

etonexile---I wasn't talking about you specifically, but you are constantly making these kinds of comments as are many others.  Of course that's fine if you don't believe in survivors, but please don't treat those who do like little children who have no brains.  It is very disrespectful and rather unappreciated.  I'm sure you're a good guy in person and I agree with you on other subjects (not to mention you're a Romanov fan).  So please don't take this too personally as it applies to everyone and not just you (I'm just replying to your post).  It would just be appreciated if everyone could refrain from the usual bantering in the future.

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Re: A Chance?
« Reply #35 on: June 06, 2005, 10:02:19 PM »
Thank you Michelle! My face is all rosy after reading your sweet post...As for Etonexile, I wasn't speaking about your posts. You are really nice...And as someone said not long ago,   we are almost a great family here. All us are interested in IF, and that's wonderful. We may have different oppinions, but we have the same interest and thast's important for me.

Long live "Alexander Palace Site and Forums"! Long live the Imperial Family!...And long live poor Bob, who has to fight for we members, don't become too wild with each other!  ;D



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Re: A Chance?
« Reply #36 on: June 06, 2005, 10:09:30 PM »
Aww!  Thank you RealAnastasia!!!  I'm glad I was able to make someone's day a rosy one!!!  You and I always have such interesint discussions too. ;)


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Re: A Chance?
« Reply #37 on: June 11, 2005, 02:01:50 PM »
I highly doubt there is any chance at all that anyone survived. You may not want to believe the horrors of that night in the cellar, but it's a reality, and I'm saddened to say that similar things happen in the world often.


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Re: A Chance?
« Reply #38 on: June 12, 2005, 10:10:55 AM »
I highly doubt there is any chance at all that anyone survived. You may not want to believe the horrors of that night in the cellar, but it's a reality, and I'm saddened to say that similar things happen in the world often.

Yes...As bad as the fate of the think that the butchery of innocents goes on is just painful....


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Re: A Chance?
« Reply #39 on: June 12, 2005, 10:22:45 PM »

Yes...As bad as the fate of the think that the butchery of innocents goes on is just painful....

Well said.

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Re: A Chance?
« Reply #40 on: July 20, 2005, 12:07:35 PM »
I know that someone of the sisters due survive it, and it was Maria Romanov, when the dead bodies were thrown in a truck, a trainowner saved Maria. She lived further as Granny Alina, Granny Alina told her children her ascape 20 years before the information that Yurovski gave. But Granny Aline Never claimend to be a Romanov, she never told her children wich Romanov she was, but now Anastasia's bondes are found and Maria's bones are gone, the're sure it was Maria. Photo's of Granny Alina and Maria are exactly the same. And, oldo it was not headline news, there are books about it. and sites. I KNOW WHAT HAPPEND TO HER EVEN IF YOU NOT BELIEVE ME I KNOW IT!
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Re: A Chance?
« Reply #41 on: July 20, 2005, 12:11:12 PM »
Praytell. HOW can you know what happened. What  specific EVIDENCE do you possess to support this claim? Please let us know. I am quite interested, especially since you post from the Netherlands...
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Re: A Chance?
« Reply #42 on: July 20, 2005, 02:15:06 PM »
I know that someone of the sisters due survive it, and it was Maria Romanov, when the dead bodies were thrown in a truck, a trainowner saved Maria. She lived further as Granny Alina, Granny Alina told her children her ascape 20 years before the information that Yurovski gave. But Granny Aline Never claimend to be a Romanov, she never told her children wich Romanov she was, but now Anastasia's bondes are found and Maria's bones are gone, the're sure it was Maria. Photo's of Granny Alina and Maria are exactly the same. And, oldo it was not headline news, there are books about it. and sites. I KNOW WHAT HAPPEND TO HER EVEN IF YOU NOT BELIEVE ME I KNOW IT!

I have read the book A Princess in the Family. There is no proof that Granny Alina was  Maria. So please, if you have more information post your sources.


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Re: A Chance?
« Reply #43 on: July 20, 2005, 03:20:48 PM »
I think, that Alexej and Marie, Anastasia OR.... Ana Demidova survived!!
I read in a book that a cousin of Ana Demidova met a man who says that he is the stepsister of Ana Demidova, he also say that Ana Demidova died during the war world 2!!! And that she had every night nighmares, she also smokes and had a alcohol problem... I dont know that it is true but, it could be that Alexej and Ana Demidova survived.
(I'm really really sorry if this has already been told about Ana Demidova) But I am shure that Alexej survived! the man who later calls F.G. Semjonov is (i think so) Alexej. But the other body that missed could be Marie, Anastasia OR Ana Demidova.
About Anna Anderson--> She is a big liar!!! so she is NOT Anastasia!!!


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Re: A Chance?
« Reply #44 on: July 22, 2005, 10:36:02 AM »

How can you possibly know what  happened. No one knows.All we can do is speculate, but absolutely no one can say they know for sure what happened. Only the Romanovs know, but they're gone. We'll never know for sure what happened.