I believe its still a little premature for me to appologize. I haven't had the chance to proof my notes on this subject. I promised I would appologize if I were wrong and I will.
It was also "a little premature" for you to accuse Greg of "making it up."
It seems to me that you came to your conclusion -- that Greg was lying -- first, and
now you're doing your research in an attempt to support that conclusion. That's putting the cart before the horse: If you had been acting correctly, you would have done a little research -- even contacting Mr Noel's side if you had to -- and you would have "proofed your notes"
before levelling professional accusations against an author.
Finelly I understand Greg was insulted. Still I believe anyone has the right to criticize, with facts, a published book. My facts are that I can't find the reference Noel used...
So, the fact is that
you have no facts at this point. According to your own assertion above, you should be criticizing the book "with facts." Where are they? You should bring them to the table with your accusation. You should have contacted Mr Noel and asked him for clarification. You could also have contacted Windsor Archives and the Staatsarchiv Darmstadt for information.
But you didn't. You came here and you "criticized" without facts. Perhaps you don't realize this, but unfounded accusations of this sort can damage an author's reputation -- especially one working in the field of historical biography. And this, in turn, can damage the author's livelihood. Did you really mean to attack Greg's ability to make a living just because
you can't find a reference made in a book he didn't write?