words, words, exasperation, ridicule..,etc,etc,...Show me the SOURCE! Where is the reference?
As far as 'the baby kicking' is concerned, according to the Discovery Science channel which had a whole show on the creation of a baby from sperm & egg to birth it clearly mentioned that a baby starts with spasms, which seem like kicking, from 12 weeks on. On December 12, 1871 when she 'wrote' the letter and not necessarily when she had felt the 'spasms' she would have been at most 9 weeks pregnant. According to the program the difference between 9 and 12 weeks for a fetus is a whole new metamorphosis. Its a fantastic jump, gas considered. Alice, having had children before would have known the difference. She could not have been pregnant at all.
Please note that it's not just about 'the baby kicking' that we are talking about here or about Greg King. The belief that she was the mother of Alexandra is key for me and any student of history. My discovery commences with debunking the belief that she was ever pregnant by demanding sources from Greg and by whoever writes the same content. If a source cannot be given well then it doesn't exist! If it doesn't exist then it is possible that Alice was not Alexandra's mother.
In October of 1871, when Alice was supposed to get pregnant Louis 4th, her husband, had left for Darmstadt not willing to be around while his wife was taking care of Queen Victoria's ailments. They had gone to Sandringham for the festivities there but when Edward got sick with Typhoid Fever he decided to go home. Now if he left in October how did Alice get pregnant?
No one interested in history can dismiss these points. Also does Alexandra have a birth certificate or record of birth in some fashion or other? My questions are legitimate and should be allowed discussions.
In any case where is the source? Show me the source!JonC. FA why don't you put this discussion on its own thread?