Ann Marie was and continues to be a Queen. She has followed the precedent set by many exiled Monarchs (including her in laws) of maintaining this as a personal title, irrelevant of whether they have a throne. Naturally, depending on whether the country they are in recognises the government of the country they have been exiled from, the title is curtesy in nature . . . As a consort I think the title is somewhat safer than that of the sovereigns, a sovereign without a country has no real legitimate role, they no longer rule and the throne which was theirs is gone, a Queen however normally doesn’t rule, she is only a consort, a role that can continue unabated in exile.
I wonder was their a period of particular debate on the numerous occasions in which Greece exiled their royals, as in did the Danish government delay recognising the Greek regimes as official. . . .many countries have refused to aknowledge states for decades (didn’t America ignore the DR of China in the place of Taiwan for like 20 years??)