Well, Lisa, have you read the Russian Constitution? Of particular interest are chapters 9 & 16. [article 137, I think it is] Russia is an inviolable democratic REPUBLIC! There is no provision for change in this. So, a monarchy is not only unlikely, but also illegal. Of course, I suppose a dictator could scrap it and put up another system, but that would take a lot of work and major support. That is decidedly lacking. Even Putin recognises this.
And, as for a throne. a throne of what? Russia is a federation of republics, each would have to change to have the same "monarch".
Also "tsar" is reduntant. Peter abolished the title in 1725. It no longer valid, has not been since then.
Even if all these objections were to be overcome, and the semantics eliminated, who would the next soveriegn be? The Romanovs came were ELECTED by consensus in 1613. Any new monarch of any sort would have to be by the same entrance. In my opinion.