Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > Balkan Royal Families
Crown Princess Margarita of Romania & Prince Radu
I'm wondering who is the Heir of the Throne of Romania; because King Michael and Queen Anna haven't any son, but there the King Charles II's son, Prince Mircea; could this prince become Heir? Could a Princess become Heir?
According to the house laws, the Prince of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen is responsible for naming an heir from that house on the death of King Michael. However, the house laws - incorporated into a now-defunct Romanian constitution - anticipated none of the changes that have occured in the last 100 or so years. These include the eclipse of monarchies in general and the growth of cognatic succession in many of the remaining monarchies.
Mircea Lambrino and his son are not legitimate according to the house laws, and thus do not have succession rights.
Princess Margarita is, in my opinion, very well qualified to succeed her father. However, no Romanians are lining up to seek my opinion <g>!
I though "prince Mircea" has been legitimated.
Thank you very much for your useful informations!!!
he was not legitimized
the laws say male line... did prince nicholas have any sons? cause if not, by law, it should go to one of ferdinand's brothers' heirs.... if there are any on the male line... :-/
still, this conversation is pretty pointless cause i doubt romania will become a monarchy ever again...
Hi ilyala,
realy I don't know the royal Romanian laws, so I asked!
I don't guess that this can be just a minutia, a pointless, because a Royal House represents something for many people in Romania for King Michael's House as in Italy for the Royal House of Savoia, etc.
Maybe Romania will be forever a republic, but it's important to know who is the Chief of that House that rapresents a so long period in Romania's life and culture, this is right for Romania as for others Royal Houses (and not just Royal) of countries that are republics now.
Take a minute to thik about this!
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