Author Topic: Grand Duke Pavel Alexandrovitch,his 1st wife Alexandra & their family  (Read 135625 times)

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I guess not a lot is known about her because she died so very young, 21 wasn't it??  I would love to see a picture of her and also one of she and Paul together, do either of her children look like her??                ..Arleen
« Last Edit: November 02, 2010, 01:59:02 AM by Svetabel »

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From what i know of her (and info is very scarce as her life was so short):

She was apparently her father's favorite and her was devastated by her death.

She took after her mother Queen Olga in looks (round face, soft expression, large eyes, fair hair).

She fell in love with Paul (and vice versa) during his many visits to visit the "Greek cousins"

She became great friends with Grand Duchess Elizabeth (Ella) and the 2 couples often "hung out" together. It was at Ella's summer house Illinskoye (forgive bad spelling) that Alexandra fell ill.

Her nickname was Aline.

Rumors abounded in St Petersburg that due to Ella's supposedly unhappy marriage and Paul's early infatuation with her, that Alexandra & Ella's friendship was a sham and Alexandra was a 'beard' basically for Ella & Paul's affair. People referred to her as "that poor unhappy Greek princess" with people basically snickering behind her back. (Note: I personally think this is bull and just part of the nasty gossip surrounding Ella & Serge's relationship and the general nastiness in court in general).

Upon her marriage, the Tsar gave her a pearl necklace set worth about $15 million in today's money. Wonder where that is now?

That's all I can think of for now. I do have some photos but don't know how to upload.  :(
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I read about Aline either in Inheritors of Alexander the Great by J. Nicholas Tantzos or Romanov Autumn--I can't remember right now but I think it was the former.
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Re: Grand Duke Pavel Alexandrovitch,his 1st wife Alexandra & their family
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2004, 04:58:14 PM »
Now that's I've gotten my greedy paws on A Romanov Diary by GDss Marie of Greece, GDss George aka Greek Minny, I can add what she had to say about her sister:

p.4: 'Alexandra and Nicholas [her 2 siblings not N&A!] had a passion for taking off their shoes and stockings to paddle in the small brooks in the garden. They never allowed me to paddle too, though I begged hard, because they said I was sure to catch cold and they would be found out. I was made to button my sister's boots afterwards, as no doubt younger sisters have been made to do before.'

p.29:'With them [Ella & Serge] came the Grand Duke Paul [George & Olga's 25th anniversary celebrations]...The latter had spent several winters with us at Athens: he had weak lungs and was ordered to winter in the south. He was my mother's first cousin...We were extremely fond of him, as he was full of fun, a good sort and not very much older than my eldest brothers. It was then that he proposed to my sister Alexandra, and was accepted. We were highly delighted, although we dreaded the moment of losing her from our family circle, for she was indeed everybody's favorite.'

p.39:'People in Athenian society vied with eachother to give my sister a good time during her last winter at home. She had a very jolly character and enjoyed everything to the full. The officers arranged paper hunts for her, as fox hunting did not exist. She loved this more than any other amusement as she was a very good horsewoman, absolutely fearless. I was not allowed to ride, but drove to these hunts, with my mother in a carriage. My father was a wonderful rider too, and my sister and I inherited from him our great love for riding and horses.'

p.40: [after wedding] 'My sister's marriage ceremony lasted about an hour. After this there was a huge banquet, when the health of the bridal couple was toasted by the Emperor...I only remember the horrible sensation of beginning to feel lonely and deserted by my sister, and somehow cut-off from her. She seemed now to belong to something which had nothing in common with a small person like me. My sister looked radiant, and won everyone's heart. Although she was very short, she had a lovely figure and did not look a bit crushed by all the weight of her attire; she carried it off splendidly. The bridal couple did not leave at once for their honeymoon, but went first to a charming palace, also on the quay, which my brother-in-law had bought to be their future home. They asked my parents and all of us to dinner, and it seemed very strange to me, to see my sister at the head of the table as hostess and a grown-up lady. For several days after their marriage they had official receptions at the Winter Palace, and I remember how we all looked on from the balcony at the top of the huge hall. After this ordeal, they at last left for their honeymoon, and went to...Ilyinskoe...A short time before we left for Greece, my sister and her husband arrived to present themselves to our grandparents. Our return to Athens was a sad one, as my sister remained behind and we missed her painfully.'

I haven't yet gotten to her brief marriage and death but will try to post more later.
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Re: Grand Duke Pavel Alexandrovitch,his 1st wife Alexandra & their family
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2004, 05:34:15 PM »
Thank you for taking the time and effort to post some very interesting portions from the book! It is--well, oddly comforting-- to read about Paul and Alexandra and the beginnings of what seemed like a wonderful wedded life ahead of them. My sympathies have increased for Marie and Dmitri; it would appear they missed out on some wonderful parenting.


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Re: Grand Duke Pavel Alexandrovitch,his 1st wife Alexandra & their family
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2004, 05:36:19 PM »
Yes please post more. How sad they were struck by tragedy and not able to grow up as a family. I'm sure her siblings were heartbroken by her loss too.


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Re: Grand Duke Pavel Alexandrovitch,his 1st wife Alexandra & their family
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2005, 03:16:16 AM »
Does anyone know the date of teh funeral of Grand Duchess Alexandra Georgievna, wife of Paul Alexandrovitch, and daughter of King George I of the Hellenes.

In fact any details of her funeral would be great



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Re: Grand Duke Pavel Alexandrovitch,his 1st wife Alexandra & their family
« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2005, 09:54:16 AM »
Here's what the Washington Post reported:

Sept 29 1891--funeral services were conducted with 'great pomp' on 28 Sept in Moscow; coffin was borne from railway to the Church of St Basil by officers in guard's array and was accompanied by various clergyman in full regalia and carrying icons and sacred banners; streets were draped in mourning and bells continuously tolled; coffin was placed on catafalque in St Bails's and was viewed by 1000s; after services coffin was returned to the railway with same state and ceremony and 'conveyed to St Petersburg where the interment will take place'

Alexandra was later buried in Tatoi though
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Re: Grand Duke Pavel Alexandrovitch,his 1st wife Alexandra & their family
« Reply #8 on: August 15, 2005, 06:09:06 PM »
Thanks for this - I knew about tatoi but did not know any thing about the original funeral services.


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Re: Grand Duke Pavel Alexandrovitch,his 1st wife Alexandra & their family
« Reply #9 on: August 15, 2005, 07:12:13 PM »
A photograph of the unfortunate grand duchess.


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Re: Grand Duke Pavel Alexandrovitch,his 1st wife Alexandra & their family
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2005, 04:27:39 PM »
A deperately old topic, but the only place to share this lovely photo of Paul and Aline

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Re: Grand Duke Pavel Alexandrovitch,his 1st wife Alexandra & their family
« Reply #11 on: September 19, 2005, 04:50:58 AM »
The first generation or the Greek Royal Family was very attached at the Russia´s Imperial Family.

Queen Olga was a Romanof and King George of Grece was the brother of the Tzarina Maria Feodorvna, so their children where first cousins of the Imperial children.

In that times, the Greeks were not very richs, but they married some of their children with members of the I.F. Their son Nicholas married with Elena Vladimirovna, who aported a superb marriage portion. Their two daugthers married Romanov cousins and lived in the magnificent Romanov Court.

Alexandra was the first Princess of the Dinasty who was born in Grece, also she was the most beautiful of the two daughters. She was born in the property of Corfú, the 18/08/1870.

During her childwood, Alexandra and her sister Maria were cared by their nurse, the Comtess Groben.

Princess Maria said " My father take a big care in our education. He insisted in a strict discipline and in a hard work. We had to study Languages and Literature in greek, english, french and german, and also music, arithmetic, drawing and of course religion. He learned gymnastics and horse equine too...".

With eighteen Alexandra was engaged with the Grand Duke Paul, ten years older than her and served in the Imperial Guard. The marriage was fixed for june 1889 and took place in St. Petersburg. To King George the departure of a so loved daughter suposed a big sorrow.

To assist to the marriage all the family went to Russia, in St. Petersburg they stayed in the Marble Palace, property of Queen´s Olga Brother.

After the marriage, Paul and Alexandra lived in a Palace near the Neva, where their first daughter the Grand Duchess Maria Paulovna was born the 18-04-1890.

Several months later Alexandra was pregnant again. During a stay with Grand Duke Sergei and Ella in Ilinskoie, and because a sad litle accident, she had a premature childbirth. In Ilinskoie they only could find the inexpert midwife of the village. The childbirth was complicated. Dimitri was born with seven months pregnancy the 18/09/1891, his mother Alexandra was so ill that she stayed  in coma six days.

Her parents recived a telegram from Grand Duchess Ella informing them that Alexandra had given birth of a premature son, Dimitri, and that she was so ill thay they would come along as soon as posible.

This was a terrible shock, she was only 21.

Her parents arrived to Ilinskoe, Alexandra in coma, never recognized them. After her death they were devasted.

Alexandra was buried in the Fortress of S.Peter and S. Paul in St. Petersbug. In 1940, King George of Grece contracted the promess he had done to his grand mother  Queen Olga, and Alexandra was reburied in Greece, in Tatoi, as her mother wanted. Queen Olga didn´t want that her loved daughter stayed in Russia, the country where so many members of her family were assesinated.

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Re: Grand Duke Pavel Alexandrovitch,his 1st wife Alexandra & their family
« Reply #12 on: September 19, 2005, 04:53:34 AM »
I have find all this information in the book "The Queen´s Sofía family" by Ricardo Mateos Sáinz de Medrano.

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Re: Grand Duke Pavel Alexandrovitch,his 1st wife Alexandra & their family
« Reply #13 on: January 17, 2006, 06:50:54 AM »
As Grand Duchess.

« Last Edit: February 08, 2013, 02:54:52 PM by Svetabel »

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Re: Grand Duke Pavel Alexandrovitch,his 1st wife Alexandra & their family
« Reply #14 on: January 17, 2006, 06:53:03 AM »
With mother

Three more with Pavel

« Last Edit: November 02, 2010, 02:00:04 AM by Svetabel »